The Princess's Bride

Free The Princess's Bride by KT Grant

Book: The Princess's Bride by KT Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: KT Grant
choice but to move the wedding forward."
    "Did your future wife and brother-in-law have any idea about the authenticity of the necklace or ring?"
    "Those two? No clue. Thomas is totally oblivious, and Daisy is like most women. They see sparkling jewels and are entranced." Humphrey shrugged. "Who knew cut glass could work as well as the real thing?"
    "Well, sir." Stephen coughed and rolled a pen in between his hands. "I do hope you have an expedient wedding. If you don't have access to a large amount of funds in the next few months, your creditors will be breaking down the door and The Humphrey Shipping Company will be finished."
    "You don't think I know that? I have it all worked out. The night of my charity ball, the one for those pathetic orphans, is where I will ask my innocent fiancée to take a walk with me to show her my massive book collection. She’s so in love with novels that she won't refuse me.
    What she doesn't know is that I plan to show her a more massive collection altogether."
    Humphrey cupped himself and curled his lip. "Before she can even blink, I will have her bent over my desk and pounding into her. That is when you, her brother and whomever else you can round up will find us together. This will be the quickest engagement on record in Flaundia. Not only will I have the sweetest ass in all of this godforsaken country, but I will have the biggest purse as well."
    "You are certain Miss de Fleurre has a large enough inheritance to save the business?"
    "You can rest assured, Stephens." Humphrey puffed on his cigar and cracked his knuckles. "Before Conrad keeled over, he gave me his blessing to marry his daughter. To sweeten the deal, he told me all about Daisy's vast inheritance. For what she lacks in tits and ass, she makes up in other areas."
    Stephens held back a grimace as Humphrey expounded crudely on his lady's wonderful virtues. He pitied the poor Daisy because she had no idea how drastically her life would change as the wife of Lord Humphrey. During the several times he and Humphrey had visited the brothels, he had witnessed his employer’s sexual finesse. By the end of the night, the majority of the women Humphrey had been with couldn't walk, and a few extra coins would have to be presented to the Madame to ensure her silence.
    "Once I have my bride's money, I can build the ultimate ship… no, an armada to chase down Dread and sink that ship of hers. Once I have that whore in my hands, I'm going to hang her crew and keep her to myself for a few months. Let's see how she likes being rammed for a change." Humphrey let loose a chilling laugh and Stephens shivered.
    He pitied both the lady pirate and Daisy. They had no idea that, when a man like Humphrey was crossed, the wrath he would unleash upon them was the sort Stephens would not even wish on his own worst enemy.

Chapter Five
    Fifty miles off the coast of Flaundia, near a group of close to inhabitable islands, was a place called Pirate's Cove. The worst type of degenerates who sailed the seas came there to hide and dock their ships without fear of being found.
    The Lady Desire , commandeered by the feared lady pirate captain, C.W. Dread and her crew of sixty sailors, had set anchor at the Cove's docks to sell their illegal wares, as well as to get rid of some trash. This “trash” was of the human kind: two once-trusted members of Dread's crew. The James siblings, a twin sister and brother duo who had been with Dread ever since she became the captain of her own vessel, had been caught planning a mutiny.
    Unfortunately the James' siblings had never been the brightest of individuals. Their major fault was that they couldn't keep their mouths shut and ended up mentioning their plans to almost every crew member on The Lady Desire . Dread had found out about their plan fairly quickly and she, along with her trusty first mate, Mister Martin, put a stop to it.
    Dread stood on the deck with her arms crossed and most of her crew shouting behind

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