Bearing the Midnight Sun (Ice Bear Shifters Book 3)
from him?
    She rested her face against the bear’s soft face, then turned to whisper into his ear. “I love you,” she said. He responded with another nuzzle, then he nudged her back to the picnic blanket. After she took a seat there, he walked a few feet away. Another powerful rush of wind knocked Kat over once again. When she sat up, Tyler stood before her in human form again. The bright evening sun illuminated his perfect, naked body.
    “I love you, too, Kat,” he said. “I love you , too.”
    And then, Tyler rushed toward Kat. Cotton, denim, and lace landed in a haphazard pile several feet away from the picnic blanket as he made quick work of removing her clothes. Kat sucked in her breath at the thrill of finally feeling his skin against her skin. Her nipples hardened and stood alert as he pressed his chest against her breasts, and his mouth against her mouth. He kissed her deeply, with complete abandon. Limbs entwined, they rolled back and forth, never stopping the dance of their tongues. First, Tyler was on top of Kat. Then Kat pushed back and rolled on top of him. They drank each other in, finally satisfying the thirst for each other that had been building within each of them for months.
    Kat could feel Tyler’s firm erection pressing against her legs. She pushed her pelvis against him, wanting to better feel his stiff, rock-hard passion. She moaned with anticipation as she imagined him sliding into her. They had rolled off the blanket and onto the wildflowers now. Kat breathed in the heady, fresh scent of the blooms surrounding her. She felt tiny petals and leaves tickling her ears as Tyler finally broke their kiss to move his mouth down to her nipples. He circled first one nipple, then the other with his tongue. He nibbled each firm peak gently, sending shock waves of pleasure through Kat’s entire being. Then he sat up, straddling her legs with his own legs. He kept himself elevated on his knees. He hovered enticingly just above her sex, which was dripping wet with anticipation of his erect dick. Cupping the underside of each of her soft breasts with his palms, he used his thumbs to stroke back and forth across her nipples.
    Kat moaned and arched her back against the overwhelming intensity of his touch. The delicious currents of electricity running through her held her body captive in a swirl of passionate ecstasy. She could hardly contain her passion, and her eyes flew open to meet Tyler’s gaze. Blazing yellow surrounded the violet color of his eyes, and he smiled seductively as he slowly, tenderly lowered himself into her.
    She closed her eyes again and focused on the sensation of his body melting into hers. First, the round, swollen tip of his dick pushed against the lips of her entrance, which was trembling with anticipation. The slight pressure gave her a preview of what was to come, and she groaned in pleasure. Tyler slowly pushed the tip until it was inside of her, then, ever so slowly, bit by bit, slid the shaft into her. Kat felt him pushing against her inner walls more with each additional centimeter. When he filled her completely, she felt herself trembling against him. The pressure from his large dick was the most blissful feeling she had ever experienced, filling her with a delicious, tingling warmth.
    He held himself there for several moments, fully inside of her. He let her feel the enormity of his penis pushing into her. Then, he began sliding up. He pulled the shaft up slowly, then slid it down fast and hard. He repeated the motion again. And again. And again. He picked up speed, until he was rocking in and out of her with a ferocious intensity.
    The heat and tingling shooting through Kat’s body intensified to an almost unbearable level, and then she exploded. With a loud cry, she gave in to the first wave of tremors as it overtook her body. Her insides contracted around his penis with each quake as the ecstasy of the moment washed over her. In the next instant, Tyler roared. He pulsed

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