Queen For A Night

Free Queen For A Night by Jennifer Blake

Book: Queen For A Night by Jennifer Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Blake
talked about Tony's surgery a few moments before the krewe secretary shook her head.
    “That Tony, now, he's something else, always fixing things up. Getting Ross McDougall to take his place was a master stroke. I can't wait to see the two of you as king and queen—so much more romantic than a father-daughter couple. Seems like it was meant to be, since our ball theme this year is Vive L'Amour .”
    “I don't know how romantic it will be,” Caroline answered dryly, “but I'm glad the board approved the change.”
    “Oh, sure. We'd have had both of you on the court ages ago if we’d known you were interested. But about rehearsal, you do know you and Ross go last, after everybody else is done? Just hang around, and I'll give you a high sign when it's your turn to walk through it.”
    The decorating continued. People came and went, trickling in and out as the afternoon advanced. The light beyond the windows faded and the early spring darkness made it necessary to flip the breakers for artificial replacement. Finally, everything was done.
    Rehearsal began in a desultory fashion. The master of ceremonies read from his script and consulted with the krewe secretary about the order of introductions for the royal court. The sound crew played bits of the musical pieces cued to the costumes and personalities of each set of noble couples. Board members left off visiting with each other and gathered up their spouses or escorts, getting ready to practice their grand entrances. The krewe captain, a nice looking guy with the out-going personality necessary for the office, exchanged quips with several women about his as-yet unfinished costume while making his way toward his station in front of the half-completed gazebo.
    Caroline hung back out of the way. Rehearsing the king and queen last was one more tradition designed to preserve the secret of their identities. Though her nerves were on edge, she was content enough for the moment to wait and watch.
    Ross had not arrived. She glanced toward the double doors leading into the ballroom now and then, expecting him to appear at any moment. There was no reason for him to be on hand for the whole rehearsal, of course. He could probably play his part with no problem, having seen it done often enough. Still, it would be common courtesy for him to show up somewhere near the appointed time. He didn't have to advertise the fact that he was a reluctant king.
    She was following a heated discussion between the MC, the secretary and the sound man over the musical entrance cue for the captain when a deep voice spoke at her ear. “How's it going?”
    Ross had arrived. The relief that surged through her was proof of how afraid she’d been he wouldn’t show. “Fine, so far,” she said, turning to give him a tight smile.
    “What, no bloody noses, no bodies laid out on the floor? I haven't missed anything, then.”
    Her jittery nervousness eased away, to be replaced by wry amusement. “Just one or two bruised egos and a hot discussion over a misplaced apostrophe in the title signs that changed Vive L'Amour to Vive 'Lamour .”
    “Right. And have the dukes and duchesses paraded?”
    “Coming up next, I think.”
    “Great. We may see fireworks yet.”
    What they saw was slapstick comedy and hambone acting without let-up, though with a certain droll dignity. Laughing at the antics with Ross, making quick comments and joining in the spirit of fun, gave Caroline a warm feeling inside. She could sense the yeasty rise of excitement.
    The crowd finally began to thin. Plans were bandied back and forth for meeting at this restaurant or that for a late dinner of the boiled crawfish just coming into season. The ersatz dukes and duchesses, the krewe board members and heads of the decorating committee drifted away.
    Across the wide room, the secretary whistled and waved at Caroline and Ross. It was time.
    The routine was simple enough. As the master of ceremonies announced their names and titles, Caroline was

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