Contained (Evolution Series Book 5)

Free Contained (Evolution Series Book 5) by Kelly Carrero

Book: Contained (Evolution Series Book 5) by Kelly Carrero Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Carrero
me turning into a murderer.
    The sun had started to set and no matter how much we wanted to stay in our own little piece of paradise, obligations that we could no longer ignore called. Brushing the sand off, I took one last look around and sighed, thinking about all our promises for the future and wondered if any of them would actually come true.
    “You ready?” Aiden asked, curling his arm around my waist.
    Standing on my tiptoes, I kissed his lips. “No.”
    Aiden smiled. “Then let’s do this.”

Chapter 12
    We transported back to the meadow behind the house. Dusk had settled in and the lights were on in the cottage—apparently, we’d been a little longer than we’d planned. I still expected to hear laughter coming from inside or at least some sort of noise, considering there were three teenagers and two adults who had the energy of teenagers, but the house was silent.
    An uneasy feeling crept over me, getting stronger with every step I took closer to the house.
    Aiden squeezed my hand. “Something’s wrong isn’t it?”
    I nodded. “Gemma and Chelsea are still there but Lucas has gone.”
    “That doesn’t make any sense why he would leave Chels alone.”
    Taking one extra step, I sucked in a sharp breath as I saw why. “We have to get back to England—now.”
    Not having time to allow Aiden to finish his question, I transported us to our room in the Castle. “You need to grab everything that they might be able to use to find out more about us.”
    As I turned to head over to my bedside table I stopped. “It doesn’t matter. They’ll know everything anyway.” I looked around the room. “Our DNA is everywhere.”
    Aiden grabbed my upper arms. “What are you talking about?”
    I opened up my mind to Aiden and watched as realisation hit him. The place he’d grown up and called home since he was born was soon going to be under siege. Gemma had seen a live feed from some friends of Aiden and Lucas who were lapping up the attention while outing their friends. The guy had been going on about how he always knew Aiden and Lucas were different. They were always too perfect, too smart, always able to get themselves and their mates out of any shit they’d gotten into. Teachers never bothered them when they were late. They never got sick. They threw a wicked party where they all felt drunk, but as soon as everyone left, it was as if they’d never touched a drop of alcohol. The list of things went on and on but the worst of all, the guy had told everyone where Aiden and Lucas lived. And by doing that, every reporter within one-hundred miles was rushing to get the scoop on the freaks. But more importantly, the UK government was sending their armed forces to our aid, for protection. Both Aiden and I knew that what they really wanted was to bring us in to study us, so they could become the most powerful country in the world.
    “Shit,” Aiden said, pulling out of my mind.
    Nodding, I said, “Yeah, shit!”
    He ran his hands through his hair. “I guess we just take what we can.”
    I followed him into the walk-in robe where he handed me a bag. “Pack enough to do us a few nights at least.”
    “Cold? Warm?”
    “I don’t know. Both I guess.”
    Anna burst into the bedroom. “Aiden? Jade?”
    “In here,” Aiden called out.
    Anna rushed through the bathroom and into the wardrobe. “Where have you been and why haven’t you turned your phones on.” Before we had a chance to reply, she continued, “Never mind. Just grab your things. We’re leaving in five.”
    Hearing the sound of the choppers in the distance and knowing how long it took for the one in Thailand to get closer, I said, “Four actually.”
    Anna pulled her eyebrows together.
    “We have three, maybe four minutes until the helicopter will get here.” When she opened her mouth to ask what helicopter, I said, “Just trust me.”
    She nodded. “We’ll meet you at the lake.”
    “Okay,” Aiden said as I got an

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