A Stepbrother for Christmas: The Hard and Dirty Holidays

Free A Stepbrother for Christmas: The Hard and Dirty Holidays by Celia Aaron

Book: A Stepbrother for Christmas: The Hard and Dirty Holidays by Celia Aaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Aaron
been digging up a good bit of dirt. Clever and resourceful, she made a worthy adversary. But I didn’t want her for her mind.
    I’d planted cameras in her house, her office, anywhere she went. I knew what she had on me. I knew who her few friends were. I knew she preferred writing about me over any other assignment.
    I knew what she looked like naked. I knew she had red curls at her snatch and a perfect little pink pussy.
    I’d been through her computer. I hated every time she emailed or texted with some other man. I didn’t give a damn if it was for work. She was mine. Every part of her body belonged to me. I was going to mark it as my territory tonight. She would never even be able to look at her pussy without first thinking of me, thinking of my face or my cock buried there.
    I even knew what sort of porn she liked to watch. I laughed. She loved questionable consent scenes. Straight up tie her down and fuck her raw shit. What was so funny was that was exactly what she was going to get. I was going to discipline her. To make her never again think to look into my business ventures. I was going to fuck every hole on that little bitch’s body and leave her soaked in my cum.
    I imagined her red hair, those blue eyes looking up at me as I fucked her mouth. My little obsession’s lips would be filled with my cock, my spend, in no time at all. And not just mine.
    I dialed. “Light her up.”
    “Got it.” Jackson’s voice came back before the connection ended.
    I saw his red and blue lights in my rearview as he sped behind Jessica’s white SUV. She was a good girl. She pulled over like she was supposed to, just like I knew she would.
    My cock ached at the thought of Jackson getting to touch her first. We’d shared plenty of women before, but Jessica was special. I would be the first to sink into her sweet cunt, the first to make her scream.

    Chapter Two
    I walked up to Jessica’s car, my shit kickers crunching on the gravel roadside. Her blue eyes were luminous in the moonlight.
    “Officer, I know I was speeding, but I’m on a really important assignment for the Daily Herald, so if you don’t mind—”
    “Step out of the vehicle ma’am.”
    Her mouth shouldn’t be wasted talking. It should be wrapped around my shaft. It was already straining against the zipper of my uniform. This was going to be good.
    She gave an exasperated sigh before removing her seat belt and obeying.
    “Face the vehicle.”
    She crossed her arms over her chest. She was wearing a graphite gray pencil skirt and a button up white blouse. Her hair was loose, blowing in the light breeze. I wanted to fist it and force her down to suck me off right then and there. I didn’t. I grabbed her arm and turned her forcefully against her car.
    I started at her shoulders, smoothing my big palms over her small frame and then ran them down her sides, feeling the generous swells of her breasts under my fingertips. She made a sound of protest. I moved closer to her, pressing my erection into her backside as I gripped her. On the grainy video, it would look like a regular pat down.
    I smiled at her objection and yanked her arms behind her. The cuffs clicked into place around her small wrists, and I dragged her along to my cruiser.
    “You can’t arrest me! I didn’t do anything. I want to speak to my lawyer. This is a violation of the Constitution. I’ll have your badge for this.” And finally, my very favorite came out of her mouth. “Don’t you know who I am?”
    I shoved her down into the backseat so she was eye level with the bulge in my trousers.
    “Oh.” The word escaped her. I slammed the door in her face and went back to her car to collect her bag and the registration papers from the glove box.
    I returned to the cruiser and slid behind the wheel. “Reckless driving, ma’am, is an offense leading to arrest in this state. So is assaulting a police officer.”
    She went back to sputtering about how

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