Hidden Hills

Free Hidden Hills by Jannette Spann

Book: Hidden Hills by Jannette Spann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jannette Spann
everyone ready for school had compared to a marathon. The chore of doing laundry had gone from two loads a day to six. In addition, there’d been afternoon snacks, homework to complete, and supper to prepare.
    With Mitch managing the finances, she’d had one-on-one time with their girls, but she’d missed family time with just the four of them. Looking back, she admitted it hadn’t been fair to lay all the blame on him. They’d tried to handle more than was humanly possible without help.
    Mitch had wanted the foster kids to have the advantages of a stable home life, something most of them had never had, but since he’d been working long hours to make partner, it had fallen to her to make sure it happened. She’d known he loved her and his heart was in the right place, but communication between the two of them had become almost nonexistent. It wasn’t long until she’d become wiped out both mentally and physically.
    Before moving to Hidden Hills, they’d always had time to sit down and discuss the budget. All large purchases had been agreed on ahead of time, and if they couldn’t agree, then it was a pass. It had been different after Mitch took over the books, partly because he was too controlling and partly because she was always busy. It wasn’t until the hot July morning when she’d stopped for gas and had her credit card rejected that she’d begun to worry.
    â€œNo problem,” Mitch had assured her when she‘d asked about the card. “I just forgot to tell you I lost it. They’ve issued new numbers, but it’ll take a few days for the cards to arrive.”
    Mitch had his faults like everyone else, but he’d always been honest with her, so she’d had no reason for doubt. Then a few days later the bank had called. They were overdrawn.
    â€œWhat’s going on, Mitch?” She’d confronted him the moment he’d walked through the door. “First the credit card, and now the bank.”
    â€œLet it go,” he’d replied, sounding more like his father than the man she’d married. “We agreed I would handle our finances — and I’ll handle it.”
    â€œDon’t lie to me, Mitch! We’ve only been here six months. Are we broke?”
    â€œNo,” he’d argued. “We aren’t broke, just a little short of cash.”
    â€œTo me, that’s broke!”
    â€œWhen I get my partnership…”
    Unshed tears burned Charlotte’s eyes as shame consumed her. The mention of the elusive partnership had set off the worst argument of their married life. A week later Mitch was gone, and their house of cards lay crumpled at her feet. Since then, she’d put herself on a tight budget and was ever so slowly climbing out of debt.
    She couldn’t afford the luxury of living at Hidden Hills. The decision to move to Robins Lane had been the last of her cost-cutting measures. Money saved on gas would pay the rent, and the house, which was smaller in size, would be easier to manage.
    Although the dark hardwood floors needed stripping, a damp mop had sufficed. As for the walls, she’d done the best she could with some old paint found in the attic. The house was solid and she’d felt a special bond the moment she’d walked in. For the first time since Mitch’s death, she was able to close her eyes at night and feel safe.
    Circumstances had changed her over the past two years. Not in looks, but in perspective. The boxes stacked in every nook and cranny would have been daunting at one time, but not now. She would survive with God’s help. He’d already seen her through her darkest days and given her strength when she had none.
    â€œMama!” Becky shouted from the top landing of the stairs. “Those mover guys put Maggie’s bed in my room!”
    â€œSee if she’ll trade with you.”
    â€œI don’t like her bed!”
    â€œThen see if

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