Movie Merger (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #2)

Free Movie Merger (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #2) by Rachel Angel

Book: Movie Merger (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #2) by Rachel Angel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Angel
over to Mandi and Sophia. Sophia’s brother Sergio was standing right next to Mandi, looking like a happily married newlywed, and Andre was by Sophia. They’d been dating pretty hot and heavy according to Sophia. I had met the guys a few times, but not a lot.
    After our hugs, Marshall reintroduced me to his friends and we all chatted for a bit. The guys got to talking about whatever it was that they talked about and Sophia pulled me aside, ready to talk with me out of their earshot.
    “So, it looks like you’re getting along with your new boss pretty well, Becca,” Sophia said. I blushed a little. She really didn’t waste time in getting to the point.
    “Yes, thank you so much for the opportunity. It’s been quite the experience thus far.”
    “What type of experience?” Sophia asked, opening her big blue eyes even wider.
    “Educational and interesting. I…” My words were interrupted by Marshall, who’d come up with two martinis, handing one off to me.
    “Here’s a drink for you. What are you in the mood to do?” Marshall asked in the most suggestive voice he could have had at that moment.
    “I think I’ll get back to Andre,” Sophia said, giving me a thumbs up and hustling back to him. Her dress made her look like she was a modern day Marilyn Monroe. Nobody else would be able to pull it off with the same pizzazz either.
    I turned to Marshall, smiling and raising my glass in a toast to him. He clanked it gently and I took a sip of the martini. I’d never had one before, but it was so smooth and good. I wouldn’t have imagined that a martini would be that way.
    “So, as I was asking, what would you like to do?” Marshall said again.
    A great song came on and I said, “Dance. Let’s dance.”
    “Ask and you shall receive.” Marshall took my glass and set it down at a table and then grabbed my hand, guiding us to the dance floor.
    Once on the dance floor there was no talking, just hot and suggestive eye contact followed by even more suggestive dance movements. Our bodies seemed to naturally move to the same rhythm, making every move we made tell a story of our hidden desires. After a few dances we took a break and had a few more martinis. We were sitting at a small table, so close to each other, listening to the animated conversations of Marshall’s associates, but not really paying attention. Or at least I wasn’t. I couldn’t forget the feel of his thigh pressed against mine or the gentle tease of his finger on my inner thigh.
    Marshall leaned over to me and whispered, “Let’s go out on that dance floor again.” Then he nibbled my ear sensually, giving a little bite with his teeth. It sent me reeling. The desire to release what was building up inside of me was only enhanced by the martinis too, making every part of me ache for intimacy with Marshall. I was so ready to have him that I swear I would have let him take me in the bathroom if that’s what it took to consummate the deal.
    This time on the dance floor our moves were even bolder, our hands roaming each other’s bodies and dirty dancing like it was our own brand of foreplay.
    As I moved to the music Marshall would lean over me and press the small of my back with his hand, telling me that he could sense how the other men wanted me, but he was going to show them who I was with—him. Then he’d graze his lips across mine, making mine quiver and wish that he’d lingered there just a big longer.
    I was experiencing a mating ritual of the most erotic and pleasurable kind. It was a celebration of my desires and Marshall’s for me. It was the moment that I’d visualized with him since I first saw him naked in his office, giving multiple orgasms to the actress that had been the lucky one to receive his attentions at that given moment. Tonight was my turn and I couldn’t wait. I wanted it so badly.
    “Do you think we could continue our party back at the hotel room?” I asked.
    Without another words, Marshall took me off the dance floor

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