Loving The Biker (MC Biker Romance)

Free Loving The Biker (MC Biker Romance) by Cassie Alexandra, K.L. Middleton

Book: Loving The Biker (MC Biker Romance) by Cassie Alexandra, K.L. Middleton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Alexandra, K.L. Middleton
must have really charred them.”
    “The guys here tonight were definitely pissed off at him,” I replied. “The man, if it really was Cole, did mention that he was supposed to meet with Ronnie, their V.P. I wonder what that was all about?”
    He frowned. “Hmm… not sure and I doubt we’ll ever find out.”
    “Do you think it might be possible that Cole is spying on the Gold Vipers for Ronnie?”
    He scratched his head and smiled grimly. “With these guys, anything is possible. Questioning him about Slammer’s murder is sounding better by the moment.”
    “What about Cole’s sister? Maybe we should talk to her as well?”
    “Raina? She’s marrying Slammer’s son. He’d be putting a bullet through her heart instead of a ring around her finger.”
    “What if he didn’t know she did it?”
    He gave me a curious look.
    “Better yet, what if he did know?” I said, the idea making the hair stand up on the back of my neck. “What if it was a setup and Tank wanted his old man killed so that he could become president or maybe something else was going on between them?”
    “It’s a good theory if you didn’t know how tight they were. Tank looked up to his old man and when he learned about his death, my sources say he took it very hard.”
    “What about Slammer’s new wife?” I asked, having read that he’d remarried a couple of years before. “Maybe she needed money and decided to cash out on his insurance policy?”
    “We already checked that out. In fact, I personally interviewed her after he was murdered and she seemed pretty upset. The insurance policy was big but not substantial. Most of it went to his son, Tank, anyway.”
    “Did you get a chance to talk to Cole and Raina’s uncle, Sal?” I asked.
    “No. I learned that he’s in some kind of a rehab center, right now.”
    “I doubt it. He always was a drinker, though. Probably for that.” Walters’ phone began to ring again. “Excuse me,” he said, answering it. Shock registered across his face as the person on the other end spoke.
    “Thanks. We’ll be down shortly,” he said, hanging up.
    “What’s going on?” I asked.
    “That was Bronson. Apparently, Cole Johnson just showed up at the station. He wants to give a statement about what happened today at Red’s Deli.”
    I stared at him in disbelief. “You’re kidding? I thought we were going to have to drag him down there, especially after the way he took off.”
    “This is definitely a new one for me. Normally these guys refuse to work with us.”
    “Maybe Cole found out that someone is trying to frame him and his sister for Slammer’s murder?”
    He shoved his phone back into his pocket. “That’s entirely possible. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”
    Something in my gut told me that even though we’d be interviewing him, and voluntarily, the answers we needed wouldn’t exactly be the ones we needed.

    As I waited to speak with Detective O’Brien, I sat alone in one of the interrogation rooms, drinking coffee and playing games on my phone. It was then that I received a text from Patty. Groaning inwardly, I read her message.
    Some guy named Tank called and left a message for me about the shooting. Isn’t he the leader of the Devil’s Rangers?
    No. He’s the president of the Gold Vipers, the club I’m now with.
    What does he want with me?!
    He just wants to talk to you about that night. See if you remember anything useful about the shooters.
    She called me and I reluctantly picked it up.
    “Dammit, Cole! Why did you give him my phone number?”
    “Because he asked for it.”
    “Well, I’m not talking to him and I’ll call the cops if he shows up at my job or my home.”
    “No you won’t,” I replied as calmly as I could. “You’ll answer his questions truthfully and be courteous.”
    “Quit telling me what to do,” she snapped. “I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to.”
    “Not even for Billy?”
    She gasped.

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