A Player for A Princess: Dirty Players Duet #2

Free A Player for A Princess: Dirty Players Duet #2 by Tia Louise

Book: A Player for A Princess: Dirty Players Duet #2 by Tia Louise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tia Louise
resolved, of course…” Her eyes blink faster the more I speak, and I see the glisten of tears in them. “What’s the matter, beautiful? Did you think I wouldn’t ask?”
    “What are you saying?” she whispers.
    “I’m saying I want you to be my wife, Zelda Wilder. Shit, we’re fucking made for each other, and if you can’t see it… well, I won’t believe you. You’re too smart not to see it.”
    She pushes off my lap to sit beside me. “But what will you do? I know you’re a prince and all, but you must have some job—”
    “It’s true. Sadly, I can’t lie around all day fucking you and drinking champagne, but they have French Virgin Islands.”
    “They do?” Her brow lines.
    “Technically, they’re called the West Indies, but Martinique, St. Garth, Guadalupe…”
    “But… what does that mean?”
    “I don’t know exactly, but I’ll discuss it with Rowan. I’m sure we can figure out some diplomatic reason for me to be here. We’ll work it out.” She’s quiet, looking at me with her lips slightly parted. I exhale a laugh, and shit. My stomach is tight with nerves. “Just say yes, beautiful.”
    Her mouth closes, and she blinks down to her lap before she starts fucking shaking her head. “No,” she says softly.
    My jaw tightens. “Why the devil not?” I don’t mean to be sharp, but god dammit.
    She looks up fast, blue eyes round. “Not yet.”
    Okay, that response eases my temper slightly. “Go on…”
    “I can’t marry you with dirty hands.” She slides to the edge of the mattress and stands. “I have to meet with Seth today and settle our accounts. Let me…” she looks around before pulling that silly penis tee over her head. “Let me end things with him, separate. Then…”
    Her breath catches, and I’m out of the bed standing in front of her. She’s so small without her heels, her head is only at the center of my chest. In a sweep, I lift her, her legs going around my waist, her arms around my neck.
    “Then?” I say, looking up at her worried expression.
    She exhales a nervous laugh and covers her mouth. “Then… yes?” Her voice is so small, but my insides are exploding with satisfaction.
    “YES!” I shout, and she really laughs then.
    “You have no idea what you’re getting into.”
    Lowering her to standing, I cup her face in my hands, lifting it to mine. “I’m getting everything I never knew I always wanted.”
    Her eyes go wide, and she does a little shriek. “You just quoted Fools Rush In ! You love that movie!”
    I laugh and kiss her smart mouth. “I love you.”
    “I love you,” she says, all joking aside. I kiss her again, and she struggles free. “Let me get this over with, and we can meet for lunch.”
    I sit back on the bed watching as she retrieves a halter-top denim sundress from the armoire. “Where are you meeting him?”
    “Road Town,” she says, pulling the halter dress over her breasts and tying it around her neck, leaving her lovely lined back exposed. She grabs a brush and begins pulling it through her wild hair. “He’s staying with some guy he knows from South Beach. I’ll give him his money, and then we can meet for lunch at Bomba’s!”
    “As much as I love that place, we’ll meet at the Sugar Mill Restaurant.”
    Giving up, she twists her hair into a cute little bun. “That’s a very fancy place.”
    “This is a very important moment.”
    She leans across the bed to peck my lips. “See you in a few short hours.”
    “I have a better idea.” Throwing the blankets back, I’m across the room and pulling a pair of jeans over my hips. “I’ll drive you.”
    Her full lips twist, and she shakes her head. “Seth is too paranoid.”
    “I don’t like that guy,” I say, pulling on a thin navy sweater.
    “Don’t worry. I can handle Seth.” She disappears into the bathroom and I hear running water and the sound of her brushing her teeth.
    Reaching up, I rake my fingers through my hair before following her into the

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