Suspicion of Guilt

Free Suspicion of Guilt by Tracey V. Bateman

Book: Suspicion of Guilt by Tracey V. Bateman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey V. Bateman
with me.”
    “Actually, I came over to see if you want to have a late lunch—or early supper, if you prefer—at the house. We’re trying out the new deck you and your crew so kindly fixed for us. The barbecue grill is all cleaned and ready for chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs. Sean already invited himself to join us, so you might as well come too.”
    “Sean invited himself to dinner?”
    Amusement tipped one corner of her lips. “He’s been over every day since your work day. Leigh pretends to be annoyed, but I think she’s mostly afraid to let herself hope he’s really interested.”
    “He doesn’t seem the sort to play with a girl’s feelings.”
    “They rarely do. But you never can tell when someone has an ulterior motive, can you?”
    Unease crept through him. Was she fishing? Warning? He forced himself to keep eye contact when he really wanted to sink through the floor to hide from her knowing gaze.
    “So, what time is this barbecue?”
    After another second of scrutiny, she seemed to let it go. “Around three.”
    “Can I bring anything?”
    “You’ve done enough for us. This is our treat.”
    On the verge of telling her she didn’t owe him anything and that doing things for her was his pleasure, Reece stifled a growl when Leigh’s voice shut him down.
    “Coming, Denni?”
    “Yeah.” She touched Reece’s arm with slender fingers. “See you later, then?”
    “Yep. I’ll be there.”
    Her eyes lit with pleasure as she turned to join her girls.
    “He’s here.” Fran’s flat tone could mean only one person. Denni turned away from the grilling burgers. She nearly dropped her spatula at the sight of Reece, dressed in khaki shorts and a black T-shirt. Leather loafers finished off a casual, Rhett Butler sort of nonchalance that never failed to make Denni sweat. Reece was just cool. And probably way out of her league.
    “I told you not to bring anything.” She nodded at the enormous watermelon cradled like a puppy in his arms.
    “Sorry, it’s in my nature to bring something to a barbecue. Didn’t figure a six-pack would win me any points.”
    “It would have won you points with me,” Fran quipped.
    Denni scowled at him as if to say, Now see what you’ve started?
    “Next time I’ll bring one, then,” Reece said, ruffling Fran’s hair. “A six-pack of soda.”
    “Hey, watch the hair, Corrigan!” But her voice lifted with amusement. She aimed her sports water bottle at him and squeezed.
    Reece sucked in a breath as the ice-cold water spotted the front of his shirt. “You little twerp!” He chuckled despite the confrontational words and snatched up a bottle of water from the large ice cooler next to the kitchen door.
    With a squeal, Fran took off at a run.
    Denni laughed, watching the scene unfold. Reece caught up with Fran without too much effort, capturing her in a headlock.
    Fran screamed as he squeezed water over her head. Both were laughing when he let her go. Fran pointed her bottle at him again. Reece raised both hands. “Truce?”
    “Sure, truce.”
    Denni could see by the glint in her eye that the girl had no intention of allowing a truce just yet. Not when Reece had gotten the last squirt. She was about to warn Reece when she noticed his arm shoot out at the same time Fran’s did. Water streamed from both bottles. Denni shook her head. They deserved each other.
    And the laughter started all over again.
    Denni loved the sound of that laughter. When was the last time she’d seen Fran do anything playful? The girl had been under so much tension trying to find a job and keeping up with school that all she ever did was growl anymore. Maybe Reece’s attention today would bring her back to her old self again. Prospects were looking up anyway.
    The kitchen door slid open and Shelley stepped out just as the chicken reached the point where it was necessary to take it off the grill or serve it up as a burnt offering.
    “Oh, Shelley, hand me that tray, will

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