ROMANCE: Mail Order Bride: A Sheriff's Bride (A Clean Christian Inspirational Historical Western Romance) (New Adult Short Stories)

Free ROMANCE: Mail Order Bride: A Sheriff's Bride (A Clean Christian Inspirational Historical Western Romance) (New Adult Short Stories) by Nathan Adams

Book: ROMANCE: Mail Order Bride: A Sheriff's Bride (A Clean Christian Inspirational Historical Western Romance) (New Adult Short Stories) by Nathan Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nathan Adams
asked curiously.
    “It’s Emily.”
    I froze, not knowing how to take that news. “Let her inside.” I finally urged as I leaned over to look.
    Olivia opened the door, and sure enough Emily was standing there, as radiant as ever. She glanced around the room, looking to Brandon, then to myself, and finally her eyes rested on Lilly. “She’s gorgeous Vanessa.” She said looking up at me with a smile.
    I did not smile back in response. I was trying to find all of the energy God had given me to forgive and remember what I had vowed to do before a wobbly grin graced my own features, “Thank you Emily. What brings you here?” I asked.
    “To apologize.”
    Brandon looked between myself and Emily, “I think I’ll let you ladies be. I’ll come back in once you’re done.” He said nodding politely to Emily, and kissing my lips. He left Emily and I alone.
    “There’s nothing to apologize…”
    “Yes there is.” She interrupted me.
    I shut my mouth for a moment to allow her the time to speak her mind.
    “I slept with Lawrence. He complained that your marriage was growing stale and he was running out of options with how to keep it together. He said it was taking much too long to try for a baby, but he was too embarrassed to admit that it might be his own fault.” She said looking sad, “He asked me to help him get his spark back. At first I declined, but I started getting jealous. I haven’t been married yet, or even courted. I’m more than worried it’s about my father’s position. Everyone’s afraid to date me.” She explained.
    I smiled gently at her, “Emily, I already figured it out when I saw the paper. On everything, on the infidelity, on the slander, I say it’s alright. God has forgiven you, and he will forgive me too for my bitterness. I don’t want you to shoulder that regret anymore. Besides, Lawrence was right. We had little in common, and it was more of a political move than anything else.” I explained.
    Emily seemed grateful. “Thank you Vanessa. I only wish that I could have been stronger, but you’re right.” She said softly. “I’m sorry to have bothered you at such a time, but I do want to ask…May I visit with the baby?” she asked curiously.
    I didn’t decline her, and we spent a long time discussing the way of things. Before she left for the day, she vowed to clean up my name back in Connecticut.
    By evening I was watching Lilly sleep peacefully in her bassinet, and I rested for the first time all day since she had been born. Brandon came into the room, the happy expression on his face now worn and tired. “I suppose it’s just us for the rest of the evening then.” He said, “I only wish we could allow Ruth in to see you now. She’s begged all day, you know.”
    “After the baby has rested for the first few days, she can come in. The doctor says it may even be sooner than that with how healthy she turned out to be. I was stunned myself.” I admitted.
    He climbed into the bed next to me, wrapping his arms gently around my midsection and drawing me near. “I believe I really lucked out when you answered my ad.” He said quietly.
    I took his hand in my own, and we kissed once more under the fading glow of the oil lamp. His hand intertwined in mine, and our love only began to grow stronger still.
    I never thought I would meet a man like Brandon, or have my life back. I could only see us growing stronger together, despite the pasts we came from.
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The Widow’s Heart
    Clean Western Mail Order Bride Romance
    By: Claire Grace

Chapter One
    Frederick Howard Fitzpatrick was where he could always be located on a Thursday afternoon: sitting on a little bench beneath the old weeping willow tree with its branches stretching downward sorrowfully toward his late wife’s grave and the few flowers that poked their heads out bravely against the cold wind. After a long and arduous illness, Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, a beloved wife, mother

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