Ride to Redemption

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Book: Ride to Redemption by D. J. Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. J. Wilson
Tags: Suspense, adventure, Romance, Contemporary, Adult, Action
stellar reputation.
    Vic, we’re good,” I began, “I’ve been thinking, I’d
like to retain you permanently as my legal counsel, if and when the need
just how do you suppose we do that, D? I’m not employed full time with a firm
and I sure don’t have a private practice of my own.”
into my backpack, I pulled out another medium sized, nondescript package. “With
this,” I announced, placing it in her hands. “Two things … don’t ask me where
it came from. You may learn soon enough anyway, and don’t open it until after
you get home. Oh, and there’s a third. Whatever is left, after you become
successful in your practice, pay the rest forward. Never refuse to represent
anyone, if you believe you can help them, regardless of whether they can pay or
not. Everybody needs somebody to believe in him or her, to give encouragement,
and a leg up when they’ve gone as far as they can go. You have an uncanny
ability to see through people, like your initial read of me. If you will
continue to nurture these amazing talents of yours, you’ll be able to pick and
choose worthwhile clients based on your intuition. That, my dear, is a rare and
priceless attribute.”
a strange one, D. I hope that Candi girl knows what she’s getting.”
two steps higher than when we first met, Vic and I exchanged phone numbers and
email addresses, before she left for home.
you for a most wonderful evening,” I joyfully expressed, while giving her a
hug. “I hope this is just the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship.”
have no idea what’s in this package, D, but if it does what you say it will do,
I’ll be here for you as long as you need me to be. And, lastly, this is the
selfish Vic talking now, if things don’t work out between you and Candi, I’m
ready, willing and able at a moment’s notice. I’ll strip completely bare this
time and pick up where we left off.”
you, Vic,” I replied, hugging her one more time. “That’s one whale of an offer.
I promise I will hold you to it.”

    S itting
in the restaurant the next morning were Billy, Frank and Dusty. They almost
looked out of character without their hats and sunglasses. If it were not for
Billy and Dusty’s extremely long beards, they would almost look normal, kinda
like Frank. Billy extended a hand and an invite, “Join us D. Still waitin’ on
that buxom girlfriend of yours?”
she’s due to arrive about 2 p.m. Central. If you’re still hanging around here
somewhere, I’ll bring her by to meet ya.”
not headed out right away. We tend to be slow-moving in the mornings,” Frank
mentioned. “Kinda goes with the line of work!”
say it does, guys, we’ll try to catch you this afternoon sometime.”
left the men to their breakfast and made my way outside. I gave myself a brisk
morning walk instead of a hard run today. I figured Candi would be giving me
quite the workout upon her arrival. I'd better save my strength.
a pleasant walk and a relaxing shower, I was ready to grab a bite and make a
run to the airport. It sure would be nice to see her again. I can’t wait to
hold her and taste those beautiful luscious lips, never far from my mind.
arrived at the airport a little before two and parked in the cellular waiting
area. I have trouble getting used to the new regulations at airports. I’d love
to be waiting for her at the gate, a giant smile greeting her as she stepped
into view. But, alas, I settled for the waiting area and texted her my
whereabouts. Once she cleared security, she was easy to spot, carrying only a
backpack and a look of enthusiasm and joy.
Parker came bouncing through the main doors in a low-cut top that made all the
guys within earshot look twice, including me. Kissing her deeply just as she
reached the truck, I looked her over, head to toe. “Wow, you look great!” I
exclaimed. “It’s time

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