Rock the City: A Midnight Fate Novel

Free Rock the City: A Midnight Fate Novel by Gia Riley

Book: Rock the City: A Midnight Fate Novel by Gia Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gia Riley
Tags: Rock the City
never boring, but ever since I walked into his closet and saw all those ropes, my mind hasn’t stopped thinking of all the possibilities. Even if they aren’t supposed to be for sexing, I still went to places I didn’t think I would be interested in. My request may not be hardcore or super freaky, but it’s different enough to have me feeling all kinds of naughty.
    “I do have this one idea.”
    “Make it happen, baby.”
    “Okay, you wait here. I’ll get what I need.” I scramble out of bed and into the closet, leaving the thick ropes for his workouts and instead focusing on the smaller ones I can easily tie around his arms. After all, he did say he uses them to practice tying knots.
    “What are you doing in there?” he yells from the bed.
    I decide on a long, black rope, pulling it off the hook on the wall before hurrying back to the bedroom where Lane’s propped up against the headboard, his bare feet crossed on top of the sheets. I don’t know what it is about the position he’s in, but it’s pure male perfection, all his hard lines and ridges begging to be touched. “I found what I needed.”
    “That’s your fantasy?” he questions with a flick of his head toward the rope.
    “It is now—or at least since yesterday.”
    “What do you plan on doing with it?”
    I don’t embarrass easily, but for some reason, I get nervous as I’m trying to tell him I want to tie him to his bed. I’ve never done anything like this before. “Well,” I begin, but end up sputtering until I’m rolling my own eyes at myself.
    “Relax, babe. You’re all worked up and we didn’t even start yet.”
    I take a deep breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. When my heart starts hammering a little less than it was, I try again. This time, with conviction, I tell him, “Lane, I want to tie your arms to the bed. That way, you can’t touch me, but I can touch you anywhere—and as much as I want.”
    I can tell he’s intrigued when he narrows his eyes and rubs the skin around his wrist with his hand. “What are you going to do to me after I’m tied up?”
    “I guess you’ll have to wait and see, won’t you?” I climb onto the bed and wait for him to lie down. He doesn’t go easily though; his hands wander over my ass and pinch my nipples, making sure to get his fair share of feels while he has use of his hands. I smack one away from my chest, telling him, “This is exactly why you’re getting tied up.”
    “Because I can’t keep my hands off you?”
    I shake my head, pulling on his left arm until it’s by the rung of the headboard. “Because you distract me from doing what I want to do to you. Before I ever have a chance to seduce you, you’re already seducing me—and once that happens, I can never stop you.”
    “Do you want to stop me?”
    “No, that’s why I never get to do my thing. Once you touch me, I’m done for.”
    With only one arm thoroughly tied, his other is still roaming over my skin, teasing me between my legs. It takes all the willpower I have to stay focused on the original plan. “Take the rest of your clothes off, Noelle.”
    I stop untangling the rope, quickly pulling my shirt over my head until all that’s left is my bra and panties. “Better?”
    “No, I need all of it off.”
    “You’re being bossy again.” But even though he’s telling me what to do, I listen, always loving his direction in the bedroom. Even during my fantasy, when he’s given all the power to me, he’s still able to make it seem like he’s the one calling the shots—and I don’t even care.
    Once it’s all off, he groans, dipping his finger into me once last time before I pull his right arm up and away from my body. “Shit, Noelle. I want to touch you so bad.”
    Smiling, I straddle his hips. Trying to climb over him to get to the other bed post, he reaches forward with the hand I can’t seem to get tied to the bed and hoists me up his chest.
    “Lane! Stop.”
    “I just want to taste

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