Rock the City: A Midnight Fate Novel

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Book: Rock the City: A Midnight Fate Novel by Gia Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gia Riley
Tags: Rock the City
    “This is my fantasy, remember?”
    “If there’s no tasting in this vision of yours, maybe you should take a minute and think about what you really want. Just so you get it right.”
    I stare down at him, ready to say the hell with the ropes and let him continue doing whatever he wants to me, but I stop myself at the last second. “You were about to win, Lane.” I hold my fingers about an inch apart and tell him, “You were this close.”
    “How’d I blow it?”
    “You stopped touching me.”
    “You have my damn arm!”
    Laughing, I tug on the rope a little harder, making sure there’s no chance of him escaping. “You’ll be glad, trust me.”
    “Show me what’s in that pretty little head of yours.”
    “There. I’m all done.”
    He tugs each wrist against the restraints, but they stay exactly where I want them. “What’s next? And if you’re taking requests, I get three.”
    I lean down to kiss his lips, stealing a couple sexy kisses before I raise my head and smirk. “I’m your girlfriend, Lane. Not a damn genie.”
    “Come on, just one request.”
    Even though this is my fantasy, I still want to give him everything he needs. Outside of sex, I’ve never liked being told what to do, but when it comes to Lane, I’d do just about anything—even if it’s something I never thought I’d like. He makes me want to take chances, especially with my body. “You’re being awfully bossy for a guy tied up. I guess I can consider one, but it has to be good.”
    Never skipping a beat, he says, “Ride my face, Noelle.”
    Just as I’m about to accept and be a very happy woman, the doorbell rings. “Are you expecting someone?”
    It rings twice more before he says, “No, but considering I live in the same building as Easton and Dom, it’s probably one of them.”
    “Will they go away? I think I’d die a thousand deaths if they walked in on me sitting on your face.”
    “They damn well better leave.”
    “Well, now I’m nervous we’ll get caught again.”
    “Baby, lock the damn bedroom door if it makes you feel better. We’re not stopping.”
    I take him up on the idea, but before I get my hand on the doorknob, my phone rings on the bedside table. It all comes back to me when I see the number for the bakery flashing on the screen. “Shit! I forgot I ordered us breakfast last night. I can’t believe all the people who deliver in the city.”
    I’m climbing off him, hoping he’s not pissed, when with so much excitement he asks, “Is it from Joanie’s?”
    “Yes! You must have told me about their stuff ten times while you were away, going on and on about how much you missed it. I found them online.”
    “Fuck, babe. You really are amazing.”
    I point to my boobs, laughing. “Because of this rack or because of the food?”
    “Let me eat off your tits and I’ll have the best of both worlds.”
    “You’re ridiculous, Lane. But I love you for it.”
    As soon as I leave the bedroom, his mellow tone is gone, suddenly morphing into a guard dog ready to attack the delivery guy for invading his territory. “Noelle, I swear to fuck if he sees an inch of your ass or tits, I’ll personally throw him down the garbage chute.”
    I hurry back in the bedroom, grabbing his robe off the back of the door. “Calm down, I’m covering up.” It’s way too long and swallows me, but it shuts Lane up long enough that I can get to the door.
    Once the boxes are in my hands, I grab a couple napkins off the kitchen table and run back to the bedroom. I make the mistake of peeking inside a box, my mouth watering from the sight of a cinnamon roll, slathered in icing.
    “Get back on me, Noelle.”
    I bring everything into bed, straddling his waist and setting a box on his chest. “My fantasy was off to a good start, but I can’t concentrate now. Can you give me a minute?”
    “You’re really going to sit there and eat? Leaving me with a raging hard-on?”
    I glance behind me, feeling a little guilty.

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