The Wishing Stone

Free The Wishing Stone by Allison Smith

Book: The Wishing Stone by Allison Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison Smith
Tags: Fiction - Romance
awoke to find her standing over me with a smug smile on her bloody lips. She proceeded to inform me that this abhorrent being would now be my new life, and that I would happily enjoy it with her. When I advanced on her to toss her from my home, she disappeared. Just disappeared.
    “I ran to the mirror and saw bite marks along with blood on my neck. But I couldn’t have her charged with any crime. No one knew she had been there. There wasn’t any trace of her. Who would believe me? I knew I would sound like a raving lunatic and, basically, I did feel like I’d honestly gone crazy by then.
    “All these years I have been searching for a cure to this travesty. That is why I go to Emergency rooms, looking for anyone who needs my help and also feed this craving that keeps me alive.”
    As he spoke, Lara fingered her gold cross, hoping and praying that he was somehow mistaken, that none of what he was telling her was true.
    “Prayers won’t work. Believe me, I have prayed every day of my unholy life, and as you can see, I am still here. Oh, and just for your information, the sight of a cross will not ward off vampires and the only way garlic works is if you eat a entire clove and then breathe on them. Now that I think of it, I believe that would work on anyone or anything.”
    She couldn’t quite force herself to smile at his attempt at humor. “If what you are saying is true, then where are your fangs?”
    Lucien opened his mouth, showing her his perfectly formed white teeth, except the eye teeth, which appeared to be slightly pointed but otherwise like everyone else’s. But as she watched, those same eye teeth descended until they were longer and deadlier than any animal she’d ever seen. Then just as easily they retracted back away from view.
    “So you see, we easily walk among the mortals and none are recognized for who and what we truly are. You will always be safe around me,” he told her solemnly. “Your life is very precious to me.”
    “” Lara didn’t understand how she could actually believe and accept the very things he was telling her.
    “Who was she? Lara asked, wanting more information about this she-devil. Jealousy was now rearing its ugly head in her mind.
    “Her name is Marissa.” He clipped out. “And she is a vicious, self-serving woman who will do anything to get what or who she wants.”
    At the end, he calmly told her, “I have to leave now. As the story and legend goes, we have to be in before the sun comes up.” He attempted to laugh, but she stopped him short by settling her lips on his mouth. After a moment, he gently disentangled her arms and framed her face between his hands.
    “Tomorrow night, little one,” he promised and kissed her.
    When Lara opened her eyes, Lucien had disappeared, leaving her alone to think about the incredible tale he had told her. How could she not believe him or his story when he had appeared and vanished right here in this very room?
    Dazed by all of the events of the day, she walked around her apartment, calmly returning each piece of clothing to its proper place. Setting the crumpled note on her dresser, Lara put her suitcase away in the closet. Her thoughts never straying far from Lucien and the love she held for him. With all the oddities through out her life she was more than ready to cope with her love for Lucien.
    Fatigue finally caught up with her an hour later.
    Brewing a pot of coffee, she sat down at her kitchen table and watched the sun move across the vista, wondering where Lucien was and if he was safe and out of the daylight.
    High above the crashing waves on the southern California coastline, Lucien closed the blinds to his bedchamber and wearily walked to his massive king-sized bed. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled the tails from his snug-fitting black jeans, then fell back onto the soft cushion of the mattress. The sun was just peaking over the horizon when he had returned from his nightly trip to a

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