Forget Me Not (Love in the Fleet)
reaching through the tall grass, strangling Sky’s chances at who-knew-what. More voices answered, closer by the second.
    Sky groaned as Daisy pulled away and laughed nervously. “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” She unclipped her hair, coiled it up in her fingers, and re-clipped before he could see it down.
    Didn’t matter. Sky was too busy discreetly rolling to his stomach, aroused beyond words, his heart hammering in protest to an incomplete mission.
    “Guess you can tell it’s been a while since I’ve…” Daisy started, once again in control of her hair, and herself.
    “Gone tandem?” Sky sucked in air, trying to appear calm and cool, despite the rush he’d felt that she had started things.
    “Please.” She began to pack up their lunches. “I truly don’t know what possessed me to do that. I guess it felt like you issued me a challenge or something.”
    “And I’d be glad to issue you another one anytime. But no apologies necessary. It’s okay, sweet—Doc. Does this mean I’m forgiven for the Boys and Girls Club?”
    “I suppose. Although that really was a dirty trick.”
    “You don’t like feeling out of control, do you?” He realized how much he’d shocked her when he’d asked for this date in front of the kids.
    “Who does?”
    “Oh, I think there’s a time for control and a time to lose it.” He so wanted to continue that kiss and see where it led. “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in finding another island.” It was worth a try.
    Daisy shielded her eyes and glanced out over the sea oats to the water. “We’d better head back. I have things to do before I leave for work.”
    “Are you sure you have to work tonight? You couldn’t call in sick?”
    “Brian, I’m only there at night one weekend a month. And this is my weekend. Sorry.” Aware of his silence, she glanced over at him. “What?”
    He reached up and cupped her cheek, fully expecting her to flinch, but she didn’t. “What are you afraid of?” he asked.
    “Why do you think I’m afraid of something?” Daisy pulled away from him, stood and folded the quilt.
    “Because everybody is. Look, I like you, Daisy. I admire you and respect what you do on a daily basis and after regular work hours. But I worry about you. It doesn’t seem like you allow time for you. Like you fill up your life helping others. Don’t you think you deserve to set aside some time for yourself?”
    “That is none of your business.” Daisy packed the quilt into the kayak, then shoved off, climbed in, and paddled away from him.
    Sky pulled himself together and followed her. Yeah, he liked her. A lot. And she was beyond beautiful and full of surprises. Like that kiss, along with flipping him at the Y. He could get used to those kinds of surprises. And when had he ever been with a chick that volunteered her time to help others? Never. Or one that didn’t tolerate his bullshit? Close to never. Or a woman he respected ? Whoa, this was getting serious.
    But she obviously had some kind of baggage stowed away. Sky just wished he knew what the hell it was.
    Chapter 8

    George was on fire. Heat burned through his flight suit, scorching his skin. He felt the fabric melting in the flames, if that was even possible. His skin melted along with it. Skin that was now liquid and dripping down the seat into the cockpit. He watched it drip. Frozen in time. His lifeblood pumped out of him with each heartbeat.
    Drip. Drip. Drip.
    Hands grabbed at him, and a knife cut away his five-point harness. He felt each flick of the knife. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. He should be free now, but as they pulled him from the cockpit, he slipped through their fingers. Because he was liquid.
    And then he knew why. He pulled himself together and fought the men who grabbed at him. He couldn’t leave without Joe. He screamed for them to get Joe out first. He would burn up and it would be okay, as long as his co-pilot got out safely.
    But Joe was engulfed in flames.

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