Guardian Angel

Free Guardian Angel by Linda Wisdom

Book: Guardian Angel by Linda Wisdom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Wisdom
away from the others talking to Rashid in low tones, she felt comfortable enough to join Chris, who had been valiantly att empting a conversation with Ra shid's two bodyguards and male secretary.
    "Their only other main language is French," he mut tered to Alex, "the only subject I flunked in school. The secretary can understand Eng lish; he just doesn't speak it very well. I hope we're having lunch soon."
    As if hearing Chris's fervent prayer, Jared glanced up and suggested they move into the dining room.
    Lunch was simple, but filling. Mavis served them chick en with parsley dumplings and apple cobbler for dessert. Jared had been his charming self, including asking Alex to play hostess and sit opposite him at the table.
    During the meal she experienced Rashid's dark specula tive eyes on her. She wondered, with a spark of humor, how he'd react if she told him that she knew his unspoken question was if she'd like to live in a harem.
    "If you gentlemen will excuse us, I need to go over a few points with Alex." Jared was still the gracious host when they left the table after the meal.
    "Obviously he didn't get it all said on the plane," Chris commented in a low voice.
    "Obviously," Alex murmured, moving to follow Jared into his study.
    "Have a seat, Alex." He gestured toward a soft leather chair while he perched himself on the edge of his desk.
    "I hope I now get to hear the details." There was an ironic twist to her words. "It seems we didn't get down to business on the flight up here."
    Without bothering to reply, Jared twisted his body so that he could pick a sheaf of papers up from the desk. "These will explain why we're having the meetings here." He tossed the papers onto her lap.
    Alex carefully studied each crudely scrawled note. A cold lump settled in the pit of her stomach at the meaning of the words. She had seen enough of these letters in the past that they shouldn't bother her, but they always did. "It's the same group who's been writing all those letters and sending those cassette tapes for the past few months," she commented, working hard to remain objective. "Why didn't you have me contact the police about this new one?" she asked him, raising her head to stare at him. "These people mean business . They're not your run-of- the-mill cranks. This letter proves it."
    Jared shook his head. "I couldn't afford to advertise these negotiations any more than necessary."
    "Afraid the price might be raised too high for even you?" she taunted softly.
    His face darkened at her words. "You, of all people, should know better, or didn't you read those notes careful ly enough?"
    Alex had. The description of what the writer wanted to do to Jared and Rashid were all too clear and the thought of such a thing sickened her.
    "Therefore, the meetings were scheduled to be held here," she murmured, now understanding why Jared had been willing to give up the sanctity of his ranch. This location had never been suggested before for any impor tant negotiations.
    "This has always been my refuge from the fast lane, Alex," Jared disclosed quietly, leaning forward to empha size his point. "For now, it's the same as a hideaway for me.
    Alex's eyes were riveted on his face and the play of emotions that crossed the strong features. He really hated bringing them here! She suddenly longed to reach out and erase the lines furrowing his forehead, but now wasn't the time for comfort.
    "Do you think they'll find out about the negotiations being held here?" She kept her voice matter-of-fact.
    He shrugged. "All I can do is hope not. The company needs the oil from those new wells and Rashid is now ready to bargain." He straightened up and walked around to drop into his desk chair, his voice impersonal. "We'll begin at nine each morning, break for two hours for lunch, and then reconvene until evening. Although we're in a more relaxed atmosphere here, we'll still keep these talks on a formal footing. You and Rashid's men will take turns staying with us or

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