Secret Safari
crowding around the board making it nearly impossible to see. But Elle, with her long legs, was taller than most of the girls and could see over everyone.
    â€˜We’re in!’ she cried. ‘We’re all in the A-team! Em is goal shooter, I’m centre, Is is wing defence and Han is goal defence!’
    Emma took a big breath. ‘Really? Elle, are you sure?’
    â€˜Of course I am. See for yourself!’
    Em and her friends were all in but neither Nema nor Laila made the A-team, which was a little surprising as they were pretty good, even without cheating.
    Laila stomped up to Ms Tenga who was standing nearby. ‘I was in the A-team at my last school,’ she whined. ‘And Ms Black said we would be A-team for sure.’
    â€˜And you both could be A-team too,’ said Ms Tenga, ‘but,’ she continued, looking straight at Nema, ‘you need to play by the rules.’
    â€˜Why do rules matter if we win?’ asked Laila.
    â€˜It matters,’ said Ms Tenga. ‘It really does.’
    â€˜Stupid game,’ huffed Nema. ‘I didn’t really want to be in the team anyway. Apparently you have to cut your finger nails.’
    â€˜You have to be a team player, Nema,’ said Ms Tenga. ‘I’m sure you can be one.’
    Emma wasn’t so confident but she wasn’t worried about that now. She was too excited about getting in the team with her besties.
    â€˜I have some more good news,’ said Elle. ‘You know the athletics competition finals I went to during the holidays. The Shining Stars one?’
    â€˜Yes!’ said Isi. ‘Yes, Elle, yes, yes, yes, tell us!’
    â€˜I will if you shush for a moment, Is,’ said Elle, laughing. ‘Well, I won in my section.’
    â€˜Elle, that is brilliant, you are brilliant!’ cried Emma. ‘Did you get a ginormous trophy?’
    â€˜I wish,’ said Elle. ‘That was the only weird thing. I just got an envelope with a letter telling me to pick up my prize at a light shop next week. Isn’t that strange?’
    Isi and Emma looked at each other. This was big news.
    â€˜I hope I don’t just get a letter if I win the writing competition I’m going to enter next month,’ said Hannah.
    Oh, I hope you do, Han, thought Emma, I really hope you do. What a team we’d all be then. Maybe everything is going to plan after all!
    â€˜Race you back to class,’ said Elle.
    The others laughed. As if they could beat Elle!
    â€˜Let’s all go together,’ cried Emma running after Elle. ‘Go us! Go Wildcats!’
    â€˜Go Wildcats,’ they all shouted and the four girls ran, all holding hands, across to the netball court and in to class, all the way chanting the St Cree Wildcats chant. Emma wasn’t sure what was going to happen next but she felt okay about it. Everything seemed all right again, at least for now—thanks to a little help from EJ12!

Emma Jacks and EJ12 will return in
    BOOK 13
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    Read sneak peeks on-line at

ISBN: 9781921684265
    Lemonfizz Media
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    Published by Lemonfizz Media and Scholastic Australia in 2012.
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    A CIP record for this title is available from the National Library of Australia.
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