Liv's Journey

Free Liv's Journey by Patricia Green

Book: Liv's Journey by Patricia Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Green
sighed and her shoulders slumped. "Yes, well, my career isn't what it used to be anyway."
    "Let's get back to the nudity."
    Her eyes focused on the floor. "Well, since I…plumped up, I haven't wanted to show off my fat self. I was miserable before, hungry all the time, sometimes malnourished, but I was beautiful. I don't feel beautiful anymore."
    Now that was plain foolish. "Liv. Liv, look at me." She slowly raised her eyes. "Liv, you're probably the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You’re curved and soft, not all elbows and knees and bony hard spots. You're fit, not flabby. Darlin', you're perfect exactly the way you are." He slid his hands up her arms and rubbed her shoulders. "And there's a lot more to you than your figure."
    She appeared to be thinking it over, but she didn't look convinced. "My mother is skinny, because her mother was plump. She warned me not to lose my figure, but I was so unhappy before." She turned her head away. "Not that I'm happier now."
    "Look, Liv. I can talk 'till I'm blue in the face, but y'all need to feel good about yourself from the inside."
    "Yeah, I know. I want to, but can't quite do it."
    Maybe she needed a little external stimulus to build her self-confidence. He was more than willing to supply that stimulation, but he'd have to be firm about it. She would try to resist. He lowered his head and kissed her forehead, her wing-shaped eyebrows, her cheeks, her chin. Finally he touched his lips to hers. She made a little mewl and put her hands on his shoulders. As Liv began to give, he pressed his lips against hers harder, taking the sweetness of her mouth, coaxing her to believe in her own power a bit at a time.
    The kiss deepened and roughened until they were both panting. "Take the shirt off, angel," he whispered against her mouth.
    Her eyes opened and focused on his, beseeching, begging him to discourage her reluctance, to help her fight herself.
    Trey unknotted her tie and dropped it onto the desk. Slowly, her eyes never leaving his face, she undid the buttons of the big shirt. When all the buttons had been painstakingly released, she hesitated, biting her lip.
    "Do it, Liv," he said, gently but with the resolve of command in his voice. She had to give him the opportunity to show her how beautiful she was; he couldn't take it, it had to be freely given.
    Her hands were trembling as she peeled back the shirt, and she closed her eyes. She seemed afraid to see his reaction.
    "Look at me, darlin'." His eyes hot on her body would be her first indicator of his desire for her. These next moments would lay the groundwork, they had to be right. Fortunately, showing his admiration wasn't the least bit difficult. The fully exposed Liv was exquisite.
    She shrugged out of the shirt and it pooled at her feet. The high heels made her legs look even longer, as he trailed his eyes slowly up from her feet to her face. Her hips were curvy and round, and at the apex of her thighs her sex was slightly plump and lightly adorned with gold and brown curls. It was his turn to lick his lips as his mouth watered with desire. He dragged his gaze up and found her narrow waist, flat but padded, then he took in her ribs and breasts. The pink nipples he'd so admired before were peaked again, asking for his fingers to find them and tease. He vowed to himself that he would taste them again very soon. Her slender shoulders were next on his agenda, as were her soft but toned arms.
    Overall, she was incredibly attractive. Trey didn't understand at all how she could think otherwise.
    He kissed her again and ran his hands down her arms and to her waist, pulling her in toward him so she could feel his thick erection against her belly. At first her hands were at his shoulders, then they moved around the back of his neck.
    After their kiss, he pressed his lips down her throat, and bent to suckle on a pert nipple. She sighed and arched. He squeezed the other breast as his tongue and teeth worried her flesh, then he

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