Her Dearly Unintended

Free Her Dearly Unintended by Regina Jennings

Book: Her Dearly Unintended by Regina Jennings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Jennings
Tags: FIC042040, FIC042030, FIC027050
with her mop, Josiah spoke up.
    â€œWe’re leaving,” he said.
    Katie Ellen marched right up to him. “No, we’re not. We can’t leave him here by himself.”
    â€œYou’re staying here,” Josiah said. “I’m taking Silas down the hill.”
    â€œHey, I’m sorry about your purty sofa,” Silas said. “I surely didn’t intend on burning it up, but I really don’t want to go down that bluff. It ain’t safe.”
    â€œIt doesn’t matter,” said Josiah. “Get your coat. Get your boots.”
    He hung his head. “I didn’t mean to hurt nothing.”
    Ignoring Silas, Josiah said, “Katie Ellen, I’d like a word with you.”
    The skin on her arms puckered. “You can’t leave me—”
    â€œIn the bedroom.” Josiah stomped through the pool of water on the floor and flung the bedroom door open. “Wife. Now.”
    It’d take a full regiment of soldiers to move her . . . or the memory of Josiah slinging her over his shoulder the night before. With an embarrassing lack of grace, she sulked past him, wondering at how he’d managed to take control of her out-of-control situation.
    She winced as the door slammed shut, but his voice was surprisingly tender considering his performance. “I’ve got to do something, KatieEllen. He nearly burned the house down around us. Do you think that was an accident?”
    â€œHe does seem prone to destruction.”
    The limbs of the oak tree swished against the roof as the winds pushed them here and there. She wanted Silas to leave, didn’t she? Look how much trouble he’d caused. Yet she was loath to see this time with Josiah end. She turned, and he was closer than she thought, gazing at her. No other way to describe it, but his earnest expression narrowed under her scrutiny.
    â€œGo on and say it,” he murmured. “I know you’re gonna.”
    â€œWhat if he comes back? What if I’m here all alone and he doubles back without you? Then I’d be left—”
    As if mesmerized, he lifted his index finger and touched her lips. Startled, she swatted his hand down. “Don’t shush me, Josiah Huckabee. I have an opinion, too.”
    â€œAs everyone from here to Pine Gap is well aware.” He spoke slowly but with an intensity that evidenced the emotion he was holding back. “If something were to happen to me and he comes back alone, then he’s truly a man to fear. Lock up the house, get the fireplace poker, the kitchen knife, or something, and hide under the bed.”
    â€œUnder the bed? What good would that do? I’d rather—”
    â€œYou wanna know what I’d rather do?” A force was building up in him, plain as day. And Josiah had never been one to hold back for long.
    She made to bolt, but he caught her around the waist and with a spin, brought her around to face him. Katie Ellen had been here before. The racing heart, the fluttering in her stomach,the spinning earth—but she was wiser this time. She knew the pain that would follow if she gave him her heart.
    But instead of stealing a kiss, he caught her hand and held it against his face. How could his cheek in her palm warm her heart thus? And this time he didn’t look frightened by what he was planning—only intent. “I don’t want to leave. For a million reasons, I’d rather stay right here, but I’m going to take care of you, and that means doing this one thing first.”
    But she didn’t want him to go. “If you leave, I’ll tell your folks that you ran away and forgot all about me. They’ll believe me, because it’s just what you did last time.”
    â€œIs that what happened? I forgot you?” He smiled, his dimple forming beneath her palm. He was teasing her, but she was right, wasn’t she? As usual?
    Katie Ellen chilled as his hand tightened on her back. Josiah,

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