New Year's Eve Murder

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Book: New Year's Eve Murder by Leslie Meier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Meier
“It’s so cold and there’s not enough sunshine. It makes people irritable and depressed.”
    “Have you seen the subway? I’d sure be depressed if I had to face that every day. It’s so dirty and nasty. The streets are dirty, too. We wouldn’t tolerate it in Omaha.”
    “I guess it’s just a by-product of city life,” said Lucy. “So many people and cars in a small space.”
    “It doesn’t seem healthy to me.”
    “Well, believe it or not, New Yorkers are supposed to be the healthiest people in the country because they’re so fit. They walk miles every day. And they also consume less energy. Big cities are actually good for the environment.”
    From their expressions it was clear that Ginny and Serena didn’t believe her.
    “It’s true,” insisted Lucy. “Look at Maria and Carmela—they look fabulous.”
    “They sure don’t hide their figures,” said Serena, smoothing her Juicy Couture tangerine hoodie over her ample bosom.
    “You’d get arrested if you dressed like that in Omaha,” said Ginny, adjusting her turtleneck. “Yesterday you could actually see Carmela’s bra. What was she thinking, wearing a black bra under a sheer white blouse?”
    “What was her mother thinking, letting her out of the house like that?” Serena’s vehemence shocked Lucy, who had yet to see Ocean with her belly covered.
    “Not that Maria is much better. I don’t know how she gets in and out of those skirts. They’re so tight they look like she sprays them on.”
    “And those nails! They must be two inches long. How can she do anything?”
    “Mine break,” said Lucy, with a sigh, opening the morning paper. The headline wasn’t encouraging: FLU DEATHS RISE .
    “I hate stories like this,” said Lucy, showing the others. “What are you supposed to do? Stop breathing?”
    “Wash your hands,” said Ginny.
    “Take vitamin C,” offered Serena. “And echinacea.”
    “That’s all well and good, but somebody can still sneeze in your face, like Nadine. She was sneezing and coughing all over the place yesterday.”
    “Do you think she has the flu?” asked Ginny.
    “I wouldn’t be surprised,” said Lucy, spooning up a big chunk of vitamin-C-rich grapefruit.
    When Lucy and Elizabeth arrived at the Jolie offices, Lucy was relieved to discover they’d been paired with Cathy and Tiffany for wardrobe consultations. She hadn’t much liked listening to Serena and Ginny’s complaints about the city and she suspected their comments about Maria and Carmela had more to do with racism than fashion choices. Lurleen and Faith, on the other hand, were sweet and nonjudgmental, but Lucy feared that given half a chance they would try to convert her to their evangelical faith.
    Cathy was breezy and cheerful as ever as they made their way to the fashion department, and Lucy suspected her positive attitude was bolstered by the mink coat and five-carat diamond ring she was wearing, not to mention the Hermes Kelly bag she was carrying. Lucy didn’t believe you could buy happiness, but she figured a well-padded bank account could smooth a lot of bumps in the rocky road of life.
    She was also impressed that Cathy got along so well with her stepdaughter Tiffany, even though the two were close enough in age to be sisters. At least that was the impression she got from their body language and relaxed banter.
    “I wonder what they’re planning to dress us in?” mused Lucy as they stepped into the elevator that would take them up several floors to the fashion department. “I didn’t see anything at the fashion show that I could possibly wear.”
    “You better be ready for feathers and see-through net dresses, if that make-up session yesterday was any indication,” said Cathy. “That Nadine wanted to put a green stripe across my nose.”
    “And she wanted to give me blue lipstick,” added Tiffany, giggling.
    “I think she gave me the flu,” said Elizabeth, who looked as if she’d like to go back to bed.

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