First Flight

Free First Flight by Connor Wright

Book: First Flight by Connor Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connor Wright
in the first place.”
    “You broke the rule? But they don’t know, which makes it all right?” Chris didn’t think that was right. If Jesse said so, then that was what happened, but it didn’t fit with the picture he had of Jesse.
    “It sounds bad, when you say it like that.” Jesse’s pleasure faded, leaving only embarrassment. “But yeah, basically. I mean, it’s not fair , being able to have a boyfriend, but I can’t do anything, I can’t say anything? I might as well not have one.”
    “That does seem wrong.” Chris shook his head. “But we are not official. So there will be no more kissing.”
    “And that sounds really depressing,” Jesse said with a sigh. “We don’t have to be going out to kiss or anything else.”
    “We don’t? Oh.” That was an interesting idea. “But….”
    “But what?” Hope lurched to life; Jesse would not push.
    “But the rules say we can’t. And I don’t know who is supposed to do the asking.” Chris shrugged. “I thought that maybe you don’t want to be boyfriends, because you have not asked, but then I thought maybe I am allowed to ask. But I don’t know.”
    “You’re allowed to ask,” Jesse said, taking Chris’s hand. They could think about the rules later, when there was room in his head for more than just the ringing incandescent yes that filled it. He had to swallow before he could speak, and even then his throat was dry. “But if you want me to, I can.”
    Chris nodded, eyes wide.
    There was something about the look that made Jesse’s heart kind of fall over, maybe, since it wasn’t really a skip. It also served as a reminder that Chris wasn’t as worldly as he seemed at times. “So, Chris? You wanna go out with me?”
    “Yes!” And then, greatly daring, Chris leaned over and tried to kiss Jesse.
    “Mmph, ow,” Jesse said, leaning back and touching his lip. “Stupid Kevin.”
    “I’m sorry.” Chris touched Jesse’s lip as well. “Maybe tomorrow?”
    “Maybe. And we shouldn’t really be risking having Mom and Dad catch us, anyhow.” Jesse sighed and went back to his desk chair, pausing the show they weren’t actually watching. “You wanna finish watching Lord of the Rings ? We stopped right before your favorite part, I think.”
    “Yes, please!”

Chapter Eleven
    T HERE was something looming over him. Looming, and then something touching his mouth— Chris put a hand up and ran into warm fabric over something—no, some one —and opened his eyes.
    Jesse moved back, just enough to let Chris’s eyes focus. “Hey,” he said, “I made you breakfast. Your favorite.”
    “Hi,” Chris said, and moved his hand up to Jesse’s lower lip. “You did? Why?”
    “Because I’ve been a huge dick, lately. You made me breakfast and lunch for weeks, and I only said thanks, instead of, you know, fixing anything for you.” Jesse took a breath and moved his hand, carefully perching on the edge of Chris’s cot. “Among other things. We should go eat.” Because if they didn’t, he was pretty sure he was going to try things that would do his lip no good at all, in addition to making Chris late for work.
    “Oh.” Chris still wasn’t entirely sure why being a dick was a bad thing. Jesse had told him that was what the thing between his legs was, but the thought of food was more compelling than worrying about what Jesse might be. “All right.”
    Downstairs, he discovered that Jesse had indeed set out his favorite breakfast (cereal with a couple of eggs broken over it), in his favorite bowl, beside which was his favorite spoon. Chris sat down, added milk and honey to the mess in the bowl, and began to eat.
    “Do you wanna walk this morning? It looks like the weather’s okay,” Jesse said, from where he leaned against the counter. “I can drive you, too.”
    “Walking is fine,” Chris said, stirring his breakfast. “And I will come home for lunch with you.”
    “All right.” Jesse sipped his coffee, then shook his head. “I

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