Deadly Night: Jenni and Katie's Untold Tale: A Short Story From the As The World Dies Universe (As The World Dies Untold Tales Book 4)

Free Deadly Night: Jenni and Katie's Untold Tale: A Short Story From the As The World Dies Universe (As The World Dies Untold Tales Book 4) by Rhiannon Frater

Book: Deadly Night: Jenni and Katie's Untold Tale: A Short Story From the As The World Dies Universe (As The World Dies Untold Tales Book 4) by Rhiannon Frater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhiannon Frater
faster, and the guilt it brought was almost unbearable. Katie wanted to find peace with Travis but wasn’t sure how to do that yet.
    “Maybe we’re all heroes then,” Travis decided.
    Remembering the stolen pistol, she tugged it out and presented it to him. He awkwardly took it from her, still clearly not comfortable with firearms. They stood in self-conscious silence, the air filled with the promise of things left unsaid. At last, he gave her a light pat on the shoulder, muttered “good night,” and ambled on.
    The outdoor shower was still steamy from someone using it when Katie stepped inside. She took a borderline cold shower in her clothes before peeling them off. Each person on duty left a change of clothes in bags piled in plastic storage containers to wear after showers. After dressing in a pair of leggings, a tank top, and sneakers, she hung her clothes on the laundry line next to Jenni’s. She sat her boots next to Jenni’s cowboy boots to dry out, then hurried into city hall, hoping to avoid everyone.
    Much to her relief, she made it to the room she shared with Jenni without anyone spotting her. She expected the room to be empty since Nerit was still prowling the walls, but Jenni was sitting on her cot in the dark.
    “Hey,” Katie said, closing the door behind her and leaving the light off to give Jenni some privacy.
    A sniffle from the gloom indicated Jenni was crying. Katie had anticipated the fallout of the night to be tears, so she wasn’t surprised. Recognizing that she needed to wait for Jenni to say something, Katie perched on her bed and waited. Jenni noisily dragged her cot across the room and shoved it against Katie’s. In the dim glow from the moon outside, Katie saw Jenni plop onto her bed, facing her.
    “I feel like I’m living on borrowed time,” Jenni blurted out.
    Katie didn’t feel the same way, but she could understand why Jenni felt that way. She remained silent, waiting.
    “I don’t want to die, Katie. I don’t. I want to live. But I just can’t stop doing what I can to save other people. I have to fight.”
    “I know.”
    “I’m not going to just stupidly throw my life away. I’m not .”
    That was a relief to hear, but Katie didn’t say that. “Good. I want you to stick around.”
    “If I do die one day, it will be because it’s time. Or it will be the right thing to do. Or both. I think.”
    Love filled Katie’s heart as she leaned forward in the dark to press her forehead to Jenni’s. “You’re so brave.”
    “I’d die for you, you know.”
    “Jenni...” In this new world, family was created out of strangers, and the morning Katie had saved Jenni, she had found a sister.
    “I would. In a heartbeat. If you could live and be happy, I would die for you.” She gripped Katie’s hands in her own.
    Though Katie hadn’t really considered what she’d do if Jenni were in danger of dying, it dawned on her that she would put her life at risk for her. “I feel the same.”
    “No. You’re not allowed to die,” Jenni said fervently, the press of her brow against Katie’s almost painful.
    “Then neither are you!”
    “Okay,” Jenni said, almost sounding relieved. “Okay. Good.”
    Taking Jenni’s face in her hands, Katie pressed a long kiss to the top of her head. Her hair smelled like lavender, and it was a wonderful scent after a night of death. “Love you, Jenni.”
    “I love you, Katie. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
    “And you’re mine.” With a sigh, Katie fell back on her bed, her sore arms and back protesting every movement.
    Jenni flopped down on her cot with a loud thump. “Are we going to be okay?”
    Staring into the darkness pooling on the ceiling, Katie pondered the question. “One day.”
    Jenni’s fingers found Katie’s in the dark. “We’re Thelma and Louise...”
    “...versus the zombies,” Katie finished.
    “Those fuckers are doomed.”
    Hands clasped, the two women broke into peals of

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