Georgie and Her Dragon

Free Georgie and Her Dragon by Sahara Kelly

Book: Georgie and Her Dragon by Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sahara Kelly
Tags: Humor, Fantasy, Sex, Dragons, Princess
the funniest damn thing
since...I don’t know since when.”
    Theo quirked an eyebrow. “It’s pretty mean
laughing at a guy for something he can’t help.”
    Chastened, Georgie nodded. “I know. And
under the usual set of circumstances, I wouldn’t have. Honest.” She
peeked at him from under her eyelashes. “But it was the idea of
having him in bed with me, fucking me...can you imagine?” She bit
down on another laugh. “ Oh Pwincess. Wick me. Wuv me . I’m
a howny wittle wust-fiwwed fucker .”
    “Does sort of detract from the moment,
doesn’t it?” Theo’s eyes lit with amusement.
    “Babe, it kills it stone dead.” She
shrugged. “He was good-looking too,’s not about looks, is
    “Don’t ask me. I don’t know anything about
    “Riiiight.” Georgie stretched, careless of
her nudity and always comfortable around Theo whether clothed or
not. Her gaze fell on the book lying half open. “Oh shit. He forgot
his book.”
    “Call a servant. Have somebody get it back
to him.” Theo yawned hugely, sending a whuff of warm air over
Georgie’s naked body. She tingled.
    “Umm...hang on a minute here...”
    She couldn’t help it. The book was there,
she was alone but for Theo, and this was her chance to really get
some of the inside information she’d yearned for during her
schooling. Sure, she’d had sex, but somewhere - someplace inside
her - she’d always known there was something missing. Some spark of
pleasure that had eluded her.
    Something that resulted in a “Whooeee” sort
of experience rather than a “Thanks, that was nice” evening. Sadly,
they’d mostly been the latter than the former. In fact, Georgie
realized suddenly that there had really only been one “Whooeee” in
her entire life.
    And Theo had been responsible for
    Her hand shook a little at the epiphany.
She’d not touched herself since that night, scared that he wouldn’t
be there to help her hit that fabulous peak - or perhaps even more
scared that he would.
    She blinked. This was too fucking
    And then ...her gaze fell on page
    She sucked in a breath.
    “You okay?” Theo’s voice sounded lazy in her
ears, a soft caress that went all the way to her crotch and back up
    “Uh...yeah. I just found...”
    “A picture.” Georgie stared at it.
    “Really? Of what?”
    She could do this. They could do
this. The images flooded her mind, a rapid cascade of arousal that
tightened her belly and moistened her pussy. “Of...something I
think I’m gonna try.” She darted him a quick glance. “With you .”
    “Something for us. The two of us.
    “Babe - ” Theo cleared his throat awkwardly.
“I’m a dragon . You know we can’t get it on. It just ain’t
gonna work.”
    A wicked grin curved her lips and she
watched as Theo’s eyes dropped to her mouth. “ We don’t have
    “I don’t understand.”
    She looked down at the book again. There
were two people - a woman and a man - in the picture. The man was
lying on the bed, hands behind his head, propped up by pillows and
quite naked. Also aroused - very aroused - and with a shit-eating
grin on his face. The artist was really rather good and Georgie
wondered for a second if Prince William had drawn it, but then
dismissed the thought. There was nothing surreal about this
picture. It was very accurate.
    The woman was standing at the foot of the
bed - lasciviously fondling herself in front of her partner. It was
in the section on “Foreplay” and a quick riffle showed Georgie that
such activities were met with apparent pleasure on both sides,
since pages sixteen and seventeen took the participants right into
the act - straightforward fucking.
    She licked lips that were suddenly dry.
“Okay Theo. Here’s what we’re gonna do.”
    For a dragon, he looked surprisingly
uncertain. “You keep saying we .”
    She nodded and slithered from the bed. “Oh
yeah. It’s a definite we .

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