Flame and the Rebel Riders

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Book: Flame and the Rebel Riders by Stacy Gregg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Gregg
up beside Tottie.
    Quebec was really fourteen-three hands high, too big for the pony classes, but Ginty had somehow managed to get him under the measure and so he had a lifetime certificate that stated he was fourteen hands and two inches. This meant that Quebec could compete in the fourteen-two-and-under classes against ponies, instead of being pitted against enormous hacks. It also meant that Issie, who was only fifteen, quite light and not too tall, was the ideal choice to ride him.
    For the past week Issie had been schooling the little dun over fences at Dulmoth Park, getting used to his ways. Quebec was a sweetheart to ride. He never ever hesitated at a jump, and Issie had no concerns about him refusing. She did worry, though, that he could besloppy with his legs and might knock down a rail or two, especially in a jump-off.
    “Quebec should easily win his grade today,” Ginty reassured Cassandra. Issie thought that was a bit rash, telling the owner that her horse would definitely win! She felt a sudden attack of nerves. As Quebec’s rider the responsibility was on her shoulders. Ginty had just made it clear that nothing less than a first-place ribbon would do!
    “And how is the new lad settling in?” Cassandra put a hand out to stroke Flame’s nose. “I paid a lot of money to import this boy. I’m expecting big things.”
    “He won’t disappoint you,” Ginty said. “He’s been training like a champion already.”
    Issie boggled at this comment. Why didn’t Ginty tell Cassandra the truth? Flame became a certifiable lunatic the minute he saw a showjump in front of him!
    There was a little bit of small talk after that about farriers and the rising cost of hard feed. All the time Ginty was talking to Cassandra she seemed awfully tense. It was only when Cassandra excused herself briefly to go and make a call on her mobile phone that Issie found out what was eating Ginty. The trainer had clearly beendeeply furious with Issie the whole time and it was only now that Cassandra was out of earshot that she rounded on her junior groom.
    “What the devil is going on here?” Ginty hissed under her breath, talking quietly enough to ensure that Cassandra wouldn’t hear her. “I get back to the truck and Verity tells me that you’ve been off God-knows-where doing who-knows-what when you should be getting Tottie ready! You only just got the dung out of her tail in time! Are you trying to make me look bad in front of Cassandra?”
    Issie didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry. I was over at Araminta’s truck. I ran into an old friend and I thought I’d have enough time—”
    “Araminta?” Ginty’s eyebrows shot up. “We’re not here for socialising, especially not at other people’s trucks! You are being paid to ride for me, and you should be getting your horses ready. There’s an event about to start! Instead, you’re off chatting to the competition and leaving it up to your teammates. It’s not good enough!”
    Ginty looked utterly furious and her voice was as cold as ice. “I expect total loyalty from my riders. I havegot rid of grooms for this sort of behaviour before, and I have no qualms about doing it again!” She took a deep breath. “Do you want to keep this job, Isadora? Because right now…I’m on the verge of firing you!”

Chapter 8
    Ginty’s temper tantrum was vicious, but it proved to be shortlived. She calmed down as soon as Cassandra came back from making her phone call, and it became clear that she had been bluffing about firing Issie.
    “It’s a hollow threat,” Verity sighed. “She’s not going to get rid of you — she just told Cassandra how great you are. If she fires you now it will make her look bad.”
    The four girls were heading towards the arena to walk the course before the competition began. Penny and Natasha had gone ahead, and Issie was walking at the back with Verity. “I’m sorry she gave you such a hard time when I told her that you’d been over at

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