Alvarado Gold

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Book: Alvarado Gold by Victoria Pitts-Caine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Pitts-Caine
Tags: Christian fiction
grabbed my purse and headed for the parking lot. I had a quick thought about trying to lug the gargantuan bouquet home with me but thought better of it. Anyway, it would engulf the condo. By the time I reached home at four, it would be seven on the east coast and I could call Mel. Nerd boy followed me into the parking lot.
    “Addie, I know I can learn so much from you. Will you teach me carbon dating? Analyzing? I want to assist you in every way possible.” McCaffery babbled beside me as we approached the cars.
    “Mitch, I’m probably not a good teacher. Just watch what I do and you’ll learn. Ask any questions you want along the way. We’re going to be working with some really old materials. We’ll all learn from each other as we go along. I haven’t been in school in a long time so I’m sure I can learn a few things from you, too.” Now go away and leave me alone. “See you tomorrow.” He didn’t move. He stood between the door and me; I was either going to have to physically move him or be really rude.
    “How about dinner?” He looked hopeful.
    “It’s three-thirty in the afternoon, Mitch. A little early to start hitting the diners, don’t you think?”
    “A soda then?” His eyes pleaded.
    “Not tonight. I have an important phone call to make to my cousin and she’s in the east. How about Friday? We’ll all go down to Los Cuates Grill. Sherry would probably like to come along and maybe even Jack and a few of the others from the office.” He wouldn’t know this was a regular thing with us. Maybe it would pacify him.
    “Friday’s great. See ya tomorrow.” Nerd boy moved so I could reach the door but he stood in the parking lot as I drove off. Jack, you owe me one for this.
    Mollie greeted me as I unlocked the door. “Hey, girl. Eat any socks today?” I looked around the condo and didn’t see strips of white terry cloth. Maybe my warning had sunk in.
    I poured myself a glass of iced tea and Mollie and I ventured out to the patio. Dialing Mel’s number I contemplated what I’d say to her but I didn’t have much time to think as she answered on the second ring.
    “Mel, it’s Addie. Recovered from our trip yet?”
    “Good to hear from you. I’m drowning in work as usual but nothing too major. Summer is when everyone wants to move and resettle before school starts again so it is a busy time for real estate. How about you? Did it feel weird going back to work?”
    “Yes, it did but what was really strange was this big bouquet of flowers from the guy at the BLM, Gary Wright.” I might as well tell her. Maybe she could give me a hint of how I should handle my feelings.
    “The one Susan thought was so cute?” I could hear a chuckle in her voice. “Oh, girl.”
    “That’s the problem. I don’t know what to think.” He was good looking. Maybe part of me did like him. But there was something about his interest in our return making me nervous. “He knows too much. He wants to help us out when we go back in September. I basically hung up on him. I think that’s why he sent the flowers.” Come on, Mel; dispense some good advice, will ya?
    “Let him come along. He can help us out if he knows anything. I don’t think we’re in any danger from him. Maybe he is just genuinely interested.” I could hear Mel opening and closing what I thought to be a kitchen cabinet. The sound of ice tumbling from the dispenser of her refrigerator sounded muffled over the phone. She hesitated a moment, then continued, “Let it play out, Addie. See what happens.”
    All I needed was some reassurance from Mel. “I’ll call him later.”
    “Well, Addie, I hate to run but Richard and I are going out for the evening. Call me Saturday when we can talk. Okay?”
    “Sure. Have a good time.” I’d wait until then to tell her about the letter I’d found. “Where are you going?”
    “To the theater, then a midnight supper. Talk to you soon. Bye.” Mel’s voice held an air of excitement to it. She’d been

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