Proper Secrets

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Book: Proper Secrets by Rachel Francis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Francis
the stream.
    “You are a fine lady though, Miss Worthing.   I would hate to see you unmarried forever.”   Emily chuckled without humor, seeing no other appropriate response.   “What about children?   Do you not desire them?”
    The striking turn of the discussion caught her off guard such that she answered more openly than she would have intended, “I do desire children, but I do not want my ability to have them to be my only asset.”
    “You do?   Marvelous,” he said, “I have always wanted children. I would not even mind if an heir was produced, I want them so.”   It was clear he thought this would placate her tendency toward equality.
    “So much the better for your wife, since she cannot determine the gender of her offspring until they are born,” said Emily.   Mr. Sheridan had such a curious propensity to ignore whatever was said that did not fit with his thinking that Emily could not help but think he had gotten this far in society only by relation.   They arrived at the stream, and Emily did her best to give off an aura of contemplation so Mr. Sheridan would not feel the need to talk.   It was broken shortly by footsteps coming near.   Mr. Wingrave and Miss Morley came down the path toward the stream.   The pairs greeted each other.
    “Ahoy Wingrave!” said Mr. Sheridan.
    “Hello cousin, have you found the stream high or low?” asked Mr. Wingrave.
    “I would call it high myself, you Miss Worthing?”
    “It is just right after the storms we had a few weeks past.   Everything flooded then,” said Emily.
    “Does it matter much that a stream is high or low?” said Miss Morley, quite vexed that her walk with Mr. Wingrave had turned into a meeting.
    “Why yes, it does.   This stream goes directly past the fields that Charlton estate oversees.   No water, no crops,” said Emily as Mr. Wingrave opened his mouth to explain.
    “Perhaps it matters then, to the man of the estate, but why is the daughter so concerned?   Do you not trust your father to monitor the water?” said Miss Morley.
    “Of course I trust him, but I would also keep an eye on that which feeds my family.”
    “I am tired, Mr. Wingrave.   I wish to go back,” said Miss Morley.
    “I agree, it is tiresome to walk all this way.   I thought we were having a restful picnic?” laughed Mr. Sheridan.
    “In that case, why don’t you two walk back, and Miss Worthing and I will observe the stream?” said Mr. Wingrave.   Miss Morley opened her mouth to object, but Mr. Sheridan happily stuck out his arm, which she then had to take or risk being rude.   When they had gone, Mr. Wingrave smiled at Emily.
    “I am confused, Miss Worthing.   Earlier, did you want me to break my promise?   About being truthful?” he said.
    “No, but perhaps you should consider that your opinions are not always the truth,” said Emily.   Looking at him was awful, so she meandered along the bank, watching the fishes.
    “Let me amend my promise then, to give you the true facts and my true opinions.”
    “Do you really think of me that way?   That I cannot be pleased?” asked Emily.
    “No, you took me too seriously.   I do think it difficult to please you.”   She frowned.  
    “Mr. Sheridan has told me another secret, Mr. Wingrave, and I wonder that you’ve failed to mention it,” said Emily.   Mr. Wingrave took a deep breath.
    “He said that you also refuse to marry.”   He let the breath out.
    “It may appear that way to some,” he said.
    “Hmm,” she said, letting it hang in the air to tease him.
    “I missed speaking with you the last few days.   I had no one to debate philosophy with me,” said Mr. Wingrave.
    “Things must have been busy at Reddester for you to miss opportunities to spar over ideas,” said Emily.
    “Quite,” he said and left it at that.
    “We should get back, before more rumors about us start,” said Emily.
    “You would not want Mr. Sheridan to think you prefer my company,” said

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