Dragon Mine (A Hidden Novella)

Free Dragon Mine (A Hidden Novella) by Jaime Rush

Book: Dragon Mine (A Hidden Novella) by Jaime Rush Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaime Rush
    “You bastard,” she breathed, falling into their delicious routine.
    “Yes, yes, I am,” he said, trailing his mouth all the way to the other thigh, touching her enough to start the orgasm without staying long enough to finish it.
    “Don’t…make me beg.”
    “Mm, but you know how I like when you beg.”
    She yanked his hair, sure she’d pulled out a few strands. Which didn’t stop those tantalizing movements at all as he dipped his tongue into her entrance. She ached for the finish. “Please…”
    “Please what, darlin’?”
    Yes, he was going to make her do it. “Please. Make. Me. Come. Damn it.”
    “All you have to do is ask.”
    It never took much when he’d gotten her this worked up. Just a long glide of his tongue did it. He slid his finger inside her, which sent her into another mind-bending orgasm.
    “I love when you make those breathy sounds,” he said in a low, husky voice.
    “I only make them with you.” Everything she felt, she’d only experienced with him.
    He released a throaty growl, possessive and satisfied at the same time.
    Kirin leaned over, stretching his body as he rummaged through a bag lying near the bed for a condom. She grabbed it, her gaze on his as she tore it open with her teeth. And she took her sweet time rolling it down over his girth. She squeezed, adjusted. “Have to get it just right.”
    He yanked her close, his fingers squeezing the back of her neck, and kissed her hard. “You bad, bad girl.”
    She pushed up against him, his erection hard against her stomach. “Your turn to beg.”
    He clutched her tight against him. “If I don’t drive my cock into you this second, I will go absolutely, madly insane.”
    And she could tell that he was absolutely, madly serious.
    He pushed her back on the bed and fulfilled his need. Her need, too, because her body cried out in relief as she arched to bring him in as deep as she could. The feel of him thrusting into her burst a dam of emotions. She dug her nails into his shoulders, God, she would have crawled right inside him if she could.
    “Need…you,” he whispered between breaths, brushing his fingers across her cheek for a second. “Elle, Elle, Ellie …” He kissed her, his breath coming fast.
    She tensed and called out some unintelligible word as her orgasm claimed her, and only then did he let himself go, pulsing inside her.
    He kissed her, bracing her face in his hands and looking into her eyes. That’s what she loved about him; he really saw her. He rubbed his thumb across her lower lip. “I never stopped loving you, Elle. I tried damned hard, but I couldn’t.”
    She smiled. “I know.”
    He settled in beside her, his body wrapped around hers, one leg draped over her hips. She snuggled even closer into his arms. Now that her body was sated, fatigue washed over her like an ocean wave. It felt good here. Right. She decided that she’d misjudged Kirin. He probably hadn’t seen anything on that note.
    “Sleep, love,” she murmured, her eyes drifting shut against her will.
    “Mine,” he said, his finger stroking down her arm.
    His. She was his, and yes, her soul did crave his possession.
    She put her hand over his. “Yours.”
    He tightened his hold on her, and in that moment of feeling loved and safe, she gave in to sleep.
    The next thing she knew, there was a gasp at the door.

Chapter 8
    S ignora!”
    Kirin went from dreamland to rudely awake with that one startled exclamation. Oh, and Elle yelping and rolling off him and onto the floor. Leaving him rather exposed, thank you very much.
    “Ooooh,” the woman, who was probably in her fifties, said, her eyes wide.
    Elle popped up, her cheeks pink, pulling on her robe. “Esmerelda. Uh, good morning.” She shoved the sheet at him, which he pulled over himself. Not that he was modest, but he respected the fact that most Deuces were.
    “Is no morning.” Esmerelda tapped her watch. “I didn’t know anyone in here.”
    Elle surged to her feet and

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