I Know You Love Me

Free I Know You Love Me by Aline de Chevigny

Book: I Know You Love Me by Aline de Chevigny Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aline de Chevigny
walked in.
    Smiling sweetly, Allison slipped a hand into the crook of Jimmy's arm, then blew Drew a kiss. “You don't know my honey at all, do you?"
    Sam sneered. “Tell her, Drew. Tell her how much you hate being called, ‘Honey,’ in front of people."
    "I adore the fact that she calls me, ‘Honey.’ I actually welcome it. As for her spending the night at Jimmy's, I don't see the harm. She's been living there since her hotel started having electrical issues, and Jeremy will be thrilled. That is, if Jim doesn't mind having her there.” The fact that Allison hadn't ever called him honey until just then, and that it went against all his instincts to allow her to stay alone with his friend, didn't matter anymore. He needed to trust her the way he wanted her to trust him. Sam didn't need to know the truth.
    Jimmy grinned and slid his arm around Allison's waist. “Nope, I don't mind one bit, and Jeremy will be thrilled. We can play cards again."
    "No poker!” Even he had his limits, although the mischievous grin on Allison's face pulled a responding chuckle from his lips. “I expect you to be fully clothed when I show up later to pick up my girl."
    "Don't you mean you expect the tart to be dressed when you show up later to tell her to take a hike?"
    "Sam, my baby is the card shark, not Jimmy. Allison doesn't lose at poker. Isn't that right?"
    Jimmy choked back a laugh. “He's right; this little card shark had me completely naked in five hands the last time we played."
    Sam sniffed in disbelief. “What were you doing, Jimmy? Losing to her on purpose?"
    "Yeah, right. Like I'd pass up the perfect opportunity to get Allison McKay naked in my house. Seriously, Sam, you know me better than that."
    "Allison McKay? The Allison McKay?” Sam whistled, impressed. “Well, hell, Drew. That explains Jimmy's infatuation. He's been in love with her since we were kids. But that doesn't explain your obsession, husband dear."
    "No, it doesn't, does it?” Walking over, he gave in to his urge and eased Allison away from Jimmy to hold her against his chest, enjoying the soothing sensation having her there gave him.
    "What the hell is that?"
    "Sam, lower the decibels, and please explain what has you in such a state.” He watched as her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water while she pointed in his direction.
    Sliding off the desk, Sam stomped her six inch stiletto clad foot in anger. “What the hell is that woman wearing?"
    Glancing down at the very nervous woman in his arms, he noticed that Allison wore a sheepish smile.
    "I think she means my new shirt."
    God, he loved her. She had a sense of humor despite the seriousness of the situation. “It's called a shirt, Sam. What did you think it was? A toga?"
    "That is not a mere shirt, Drew. That's a jersey. To be more precise, it's your college jersey! That's mine. Make her take it off."
    Drew laughed and cupped Allison's cheek with the palm of his hand. “Sound familiar, baby?"
    Jimmy caught on and started laughing. “We've already gone there once tonight, Sam. Besides, if you ask me, she wears it better than Drew ever has."
    Sam hissed in Jimmy's direction. “I wasn't asking you. Drew, tell her to take it off right this instant! If people see her wearing it they'll think she's your girl."
    Drew ignored her; Jimmy had made a very good point. “She does wear it well, doesn't she? I must say I prefer the look without the jeans better, but then again, we are in public."
    "I much preferred her wearing mine; it showed off her curves more."
    The deep red blush that crept over Allison's cheeks didn't come close to the embarrassment she must have been feeling at that moment. He knew exactly how she felt about public knowledge of her personal life. He just couldn't help himself. He was proud that she was his girl.
    "Very true, but we both know what she did with it."
    "Excuse me, but can I say..."
    "No offense, Allison, but you'll just agree with Drew, and my poor ego can't take any

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