The Secret Crush

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Book: The Secret Crush by Tina Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Wells
“How much are the jeans?”
    Kathi checked the tag. “Only a hundred dollars.”
    â€œA hundred dollars?” Zee looked for herself. Someone had neatly written $1.00 in blue ink. Ohmylanta! Zee silently groaned. “You’ve definitely never been to a thrift shop. It’s only a dollar.”
    Kathi laughed at her mistake. “Thank goodness you’re here to help me with this!” she said, crushing Zee in a hug.
    E-ZEE: K strikes again!
    SPARKLEGRRL: OMG! What did she do?
    E-ZEE: She ws NICE!
    SPARKLEGRRL: A trick?
    E-ZEE: Nt sure. It doesn’t feel fake.
    E-ZEE: She hardly notices L anymore—like she doesn’t like him.
    SPARKLEGRRL: So who does she like?
    E-ZEE: Don’t know. Mayb it’s nt about boys. Mayb it’s b/c she doesn’t like Missy.
    SPARKLEGRRL: Jealous?
    E-ZEE: She thinks M can’t b trusted.
    SPARKLEGRRL: Y? What did she do?
    E-ZEE: Nothing. Yet.
    SPARKLEGRRL: K’s the 1 I don’t trust.
    It was good to talk to Ally. She knew Kathi as well as Zee did—almost. Still, Zee wasn’t sure if Ally was right about Kathi or not.
    Hi, Diary,
    I’m so confused! Is Missy’s sleepover just part of her plan to take over Brookdale Academy? Is helping in the classroom just part of Mom’s plan to make sure I never, ever have a boyfriend? Is Kathi really a friend now? With the musical keeping me so busy, I don’t have time to figure any of this out.
    Maybe if I separate the good stuff from the bad stuff, it will help.
    Good Stuff
    Ally will always be THE BEST bff ever! (I know I totally overreacted about her “being equal” comment.)
    I get to spend more time with Landon.
    Bad Stuff
    Mom doesn’t understand what it’s like to be 12.
    Still no boyfriend.
    Still no boobs.
    Zee looked at her list, wondering where to put Kathi. Kathi could be a lot of fun, but Zee knew that could change faster than she could say, “Who just stuck that knife in my back?”
    Then Zee had an idea. She added a third column especially for Kathi.
    2 Good 2 B True Stuff

Sleepover Disaster
    Z ee shoved a pair of heart-printed pajama pants and a plain red tank top into the overnight bag she was packing for Missy’s sleepover. She grabbed a pair of green pants from a hanger. Just before she dropped them into the bag, she stopped herself. These would be perfect for Friends’ Day. She quickly substituted a shirt and a pair of denim capri pants that Zee had converted from an old pair of jeans by cutting off the bottoms and adding a wide ribbon trim.

    â€œClothes for tomorrow.” Zee began her mental list. “Check.Toothbrush and toothpaste? Check and check,” she said, adding them to the bag. “Oops! I almost forgot the most important thing.” She rushed over to her dresser. “Clean underwear. Checkity check check.” She pulled the zipper closed on her bag.
    Zee and Chloe arrived at the party together and rang the doorbell. Instead of a simple ding-dong , the Vasis’ doorbell boomed four notes. It sounded as if a bell choir were performing right in the foyer. A woman in a simple black dress and white apron opened the door, then bowed her head slightly.
    â€œHi,” Zee said. “Is Missy here?”
    â€œRight this way, miss,” the woman said formally. She led Chloe and Zee into a room with a black grand piano. Heavy red, black, and orange silk curtains hung at the windows, and colorful wool rugs covered the floor. “May I take your bags?” the woman offered.
    Zee and Chloe handed theirs to her. “Where are you taking them?” Chloe called out. But the woman just smiled and walked away.
    â€œGreat!” Missy’s cheerful voice came into the room as

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