The Secret Crush

Free The Secret Crush by Tina Wells

Book: The Secret Crush by Tina Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Wells
    â€œMy dad said he’d take us all to the International Skate Center,” Missy went on.
    Tweet! Mr. Lieberman, the gym teacher, blew the whistle hanging from the string around his neck.
    â€œLine up in squads, everyone!” Mr. Lieberman’s voice bounced off the gym walls. “Pronto!”
    â€œOh, joy,” Zee said sarcastically. “Gym is starting.”
    â€œI guess we’ll have to learn the choreography later,” Chloe said.
    â€œAt the sleepover. I’ll email you guys the details,” Missy said while they walked across the polished wood floor to their places under the basketball hoop.
    â€œDetails for what?” Conrad asked.
    â€œMissy’s having a slumber party,” Jen explained.
    Conrad held out his arms to indicate the other boys. “Are we invited?”
    Missy blushed. “My parents would never let me have boys at a sleepover.”
    â€œYou’ll have to have your own party,” Jen said.
    â€œThat’s what I’ll do! But, I don’t have parties,” Conrad said. “I have par- tays. ” Conrad turned to Marcus, Jasper, and Landon. “Are you guys in?” he half shouted, holding up his palms for high fives.
    With a running start, Marcus rushed him and slapped Conrad’s palm. Then Conrad held his hands in front of Jasper and Landon, who each gave him a high five. When Jasper and Landon faced each other, they let their arms drop and turned away.

    The next day was a big one for Kathi and Missy. They were competing for the violin solo—and Zee knew Kathi was counting on winning. If Missy had never shown up, the part would definitely be Kathi’s. But now there were two amazing violinists in the Beans. Kathi had already lost the lead role to Zee, so getting the solo was especially important.
    â€œKathi and Missy, bring your instruments and come with me, please,” Mr. P said after he took roll.
    Kathi batted her eyelashes. “Are you going to pick the winner, Mr. P?” she asked.
    â€œNo, I’ve asked Mrs. Zolotow, the choral director, to be the judge,” Mr. P explained. “You’ll be behind a panel, though, so she won’t know who’s performing. That will keep it fair.”
    Kathi looked disappointed, but she and Missy picked up their violins and walked toward their teacher.
    â€œEveryone else should find a partner to work with on the script, songs, or your stage crew committee,” Mr. P told the rest of the class. “Mrs. Carmichael is in charge, so please listen to her.”
    Zee turned around to Landon, who was staring at her mother. “Hey, Landon, do you—” she began.
    â€œWant to work on props with me?” Landon quickly asked Jen.
    â€œSure,” Jen said.
    Mom strikes again! Zee told herself, disappointed.
    Kathi was the first to return from the audition. “How’d it go?” Zee asked.
    â€œWhatev,” Kathi said, putting her violin in its case. “I didn’t really care about it. I have all those lines to memorize already.” When she turned her face away, Zee was sure she heard a sniffle.
    Then Missy walked in with a big smile on her face. Zee couldn’t believe Kathi had lost the violin solo. Was her reign finally over?
    After school, Zee changed into a pair of shorts and a gray camisole, and laced up her white Converse high-tops. The perfect costume-hunting outfit! she thought. She and Kathi were going to the thrift shop to buy costumes for the musical. Zee hopped on her bike and pedaled to Kathi’s house.
    Zee rang the Barneys’ bell, and Kathi answered right away.
    â€œPerfect timing,” Kathi said. “My sister was just about to leave. She can drive us to the store now.”
    â€œWhy don’t we just ride bikes?” Zee suggested. “It’s really close.”
    â€œCan’t,” Kathi told her.
    â€œIsn’t that your bike right there?” Zee said,

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