A Date with Deception

Free A Date with Deception by Carolyn Keene

Book: A Date with Deception by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
wasn’t familiar with the car.
    â€œAnd that note on my windshield?” Nancy went on. “Sasha was right about that—there is something weird about it. ‘Stop now your investigation,’ ” she quoted. “That now is in a funny place. Funny for someone whose first language is English, that is.”
    â€œRight,” George agreed. “Dmitri’s first language is Russian.”
    Suddenly Bess’s eyes widened. “Nancy—maybe he’s KGB!” she whispered. “I was joking when I suggested it, but now I think I might be right. He’s leaking the plans to the Soviet Union!”
    Nancy shook her head. “I don’t think so. Jetstream doesn’t make military planes or anything. This isn’t a breach of national security—it’s industrial espionage. And anyway, those plans definitely went to France. It’s weird. I wonder how Dmitri got involved as a go-between. You’d think it would be either an American or a French person.”
    â€œDon’t forget Jacques,” George pointed out. “He could be in on it, too.”
    â€œYou can figure the details out later,” Besssaid impatiently. “What are we going to do now?”
    â€œI want to follow up on a couple of things,” Nancy said. “I need to find out from the car rental place if there really was something wrong with Dmitri’s car yesterday. Also, I still need to see the Jetstar plans. Maybe Gary can help figure out a way to get into Jetstream without being turned into dog food.”
    â€œI’ll talk to him,” George said. “He’s coming by after breakfast.”
    â€œGreat.” Nancy picked up the shell and juggled it back and forth in her hands. “I wonder,” she said. “You don’t suppose Marina could be involved in this, too?” She swallowed. “Or even Sasha?”
    â€œI guess it’s possible.” George said. “Have they done anything suspicious?”
    â€œNot really. Marina’s awfully cool to me, but that doesn’t mean she’s involved in this. And Sasha?” Nancy shook her head, still fingering the seashell. “He’s a great guy,” she said quietly. “But he’s been awfully interested in this case from the start.”
    â€œWell, I don’t believe it,” Bess declared firmly. “You might have convinced me about Dmitri, but Sasha? Never!” She patted Nancy on the shoulder. “But don’t worry. I’ll help you keep an eye on him. I don’t have anything else to do, anyway.”
    Nancy laughed. “What about Yves?”
    â€œOh, him.” Bess shook her head. “I’ve decided he’s not for me.”
    â€œWhy?” George asked.
    â€œWell, he’s gorgeous, and his accent is divine,” Bess said. “But he keeps talking about how he’ll be retiring soon. Can you imagine? Retiring at age twenty-nine? It makes him seem so old!”
    George and Nancy burst out laughing. “You do have a point,” Nancy told Bess.
    They went back to the house, showered, and made breakfast for themselves. Eloise had gone out already. As Nancy was swallowing the last of her tea, Gary arrived. The lanky pilot looked depressed.
    â€œI just had my interview with Susan Wexler—told her the whole story,” he announced. “You don’t think she’ll break her word and let it run early, do you?”
    Wishing she felt as sure as she acted, Nancy shook her head. “Don’t worry,” she counseled him. “She’s looking for a bigger story. She knows she won’t get it from us unless she plays fair with us now.”
    Gary brightened a little. “I hope you’re right.” Crossing to George, who was loading the dishwasher, he put his arms around her slim waist from behind. “Hey, I know this poor, sad, unemployed pilot who could really use a day out with a pretty girl like

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