Dirty Shots
beneath her, his fingers finding the plug, and he applied more pressure, pushing it deeper where it had begun to slide out. Her orgasm broke, washing over her in waves of excruciating pleasure. Her head spun with its force. And Eric exploded inside her, slamming into her as he yelled out, thrusting again and again and again.
    They held together, panting, until their breathing returned to normal. Eric slid from her body, deftly removing the plug as he did so, and using some of the paper they’d been lying on to clean themselves up.
    “Don’t go home tonight, Anya,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “Stay here with me.”
    She twisted to face him, their bodies pressed together, content and sated. “But I don’t have a change of clothes. I can’t go to campus in the morning wearing a little black dress. What will I look like?”
    “I’ll buy you new clothes first thing. Whatever you want.”
    “You’re crazy.”
    “You’ve made me that way.”
    A dark shadow fell over his words. He had once danced on the periphery of madness. She only knew what she did from the things he’d revealed during magazine interviews, and then, of course, the few things he’d mentioned to her.
    She pushed her thoughts from her mind and snuggled down into his arms. What he’d gone through in the past didn’t matter.
    All that mattered was the here and now.
    A nya woke to find herself alone. Sitting up in bed, she ran a hand through her messy hair, and looked around for any clue as to where Eric might have gone. On the end of the bed was a bag from Calvin Klein. She got to her knees and reached down to fish it up toward her. A note was pinned to the top:
    Sorry, had to get to the gym. Didn’t want to wake you. Promised you new clothes – hope you like them. Make yourself at home. Hope to see you later???
    He’d left.
    Her stomach dipped in disappointment. It wasn’t as if he’d gone to a business meeting or anything. How could a workout beat a morning with her? But then she remembered how she’d told him she needed to be back on campus that morning. Hopefully that was the reason he’d gone, thinking she had class. She did, but not until mid-morning.
    Curious, she pulled the clothes from the bag. A simple pair of dark blue, boot-cut jeans, and a white, fitted t-shirt. Being a man, he hadn’t considered that her underwear was black and so would show through the t-shirt. But then she saw another bag, La Perla, and pulled out a gorgeous but simple t-shirt bra and matching panties. He had thought of everything. Except the shoes, but she could get away with walking in heels.
    She quickly showered and dressed, then caught a cab across town to campus. She needed her laptop and books, and her feet were killing her. She longed for a pair of sneakers.
    The cab pulled up outside, and she paid the driver, feeling curious eyes glancing her way. Most of the students couldn’t afford to get cabs, and if they did they were saved for a Saturday night, not a Wednesday morning. Her heels sank into the grass as she cut across campus, trying to save a few minutes. A wolf whistle cut through the general bustle of the students. Instinctively, her head turned to source the sound, but as soon as she saw who it had come from, she whipped her head back around again, trying to pretend she hadn’t noticed.
    “Where are you going in those shoes, Anya?” Gavin called out. “You look like you should be a stripper. In fact, is that where you were last night? We missed you at the party.”
    “Get lost,” she muttered.
    He hurried the last few steps and then grabbed her arm, pulling her to a stop. “So what’s with you never showing at our parties, huh? Did you have somewhere better to be?”
    She shook him off. “Unsurprisingly, Gavin, yes, I did.”
    His top lip lifted in a snarl. “You need to stop acting like you’re better than everyone else.”
    She couldn’t help herself, forcing a snarl of her own. “Maybe it isn’t an

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