
Free Ignite by Karen Erickson

Book: Ignite by Karen Erickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Erickson
in contact since I left.”
    â€œI heard you didn’t stay in contact with anyone after you left.”
    He said nothing, could only figure Holden told Tori that, which seemed like a pretty intimate thing for his brother to tell some random chick he worked with.
    When he said nothing more, Tori sighed and gave up a little more information. “Roger wasn’t from around here either. He’s an accountant, bought the old H&R Block a few years ago and started his own business. Good-looking in that bland, I’ve made appearances in a Sears catalog way, if you know what I mean.”
    Scarily enough, West knew exactly what she meant.
    â€œNice enough, but boring.” Tori shrugged. “You don’t know him?”
    â€œI haven’t been back here in years, remember?” West prodded.
    â€œYeah, Holden had mentioned that once or twice.” Her cheeks were a little pink. “We used to talk a lot, but not so much anymore.”
    The waitress suddenly appeared with a tray of drinks, and West got distracted by his growling stomach and the promise that food would be coming soon. And once the burger baskets finally arrived, everyone was so ravenous all conversation was forgotten as they stuffed their faces.
    It wasn’t until he pushed his empty basket away and wanted to groan over all the food he ate that he finally looked around once more for Harper. But there was no sign of her. Damn it, was she really at the restaurant now? Because he swore he could feel her presence—and that was insane. He had no business going in search of her. He was on duty, for Christ’s sake. Though everyone was still eating and the radio attached to his belt was quiet, indicating that there weren’t any calls.
    Stretching his arms above his head, he braced his hands behind his neck, going for nonchalance. He hadn’t spotted her grandmother either. Maybe he should go ask if Harper was in.
    Would he look too eager? Yeah, probably, but he sort of didn’t care. He wanted to talk to her. See how she was doing. They’d been interrupted at the bar last Saturday night and they’d never really had a chance to reconnect.
    He needed to change that. Was curious to see how she treated him without their friends or family around. It probably wasn’t right, seeking her out, trying to get closer to her, what with her recent breakup, but he couldn’t help himself. The urge to see her smile, smell her intoxicating scent, was strong.
    Besides, a little flirtation never hurt anyone. Right?

Chapter Five
    G RANDMA PEEKED HER head around the doorway. “Someone’s out there asking for you.”
    Harper looked up from the paperwork she was trying to comb through. “Who could be looking for me here?”
    Her grandma had already taken off.
    Only twenty-four hours into her new job and Harper was already exhausted. And majorly confused. Her grandma definitely wasn’t the best when it came to organizing things. There was no rhyme or reason to the haphazard filing system the woman had adopted since she first opened the diner. It was really a system that only Rebecca Hill understood. Yet she wanted her wrecked system cleaned up “in case I leave the restaurant to you one day.” Direct quote. Or worse, if the IRS ever decided to conduct an audit.
    She was already overwhelmed and she’d only gone through the top drawer of one filing cabinet. Numerous filing cabinets lined one wall of the small office. Plus there was a closet full of past paperwork that she’d need to go through as well.
    She figured she’d bitten off more than she could chew, but no way was she admitting that to anyone. Instead she’d soldier on like she was so good at doing, never complaining.
    With a weary sigh Harper stood, stretching her arms above her head, twisting to the left, then the right, her cramped muscles protesting. Her back hurt from being hunched over the file cabinet and her grandma’s

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