made: 5/11,15,18,19,22,25,28/56
Report made by: [BUREAU DELETION] b7C
Malcolm X; Malcolm X Little
Character of case: Security Matter-NOI
[BUREAU DELETION] subject is official minister of NOI Temple No. 12, Philadelphia, Pa. [BUREAU DELETION] subject continues to be minister of NOI Temple No. 7, NYC. [BUREAU DELETION] believes LITTLE is No. 2 or No. 3 man in NOI. Activities of subject in various United States cities set forth. Subject resides at 25â46 99th Street, Elmhurst, New York, and has no employment other than duties in NOI.
[BUREAU DELETION] as of November 11, 1955, MALCOLM LITTLE was the official Minister of Nation of Islam (NOI), Temple No. 12, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and of the Fruit of Islam (FOI) of this temple.
[BUREAU DELETION] that the first southern Goodwill Tour of the Brotherhood of Islam was held on Saturday evening, August 25, 1956, and all day Sunday, August 26, 1956, in Atlanta, Georgia. He advised that approximately two hundred or more members of the Nation of Islam from over ten cities attended this meeting. He advised that ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, leader of the Nation of Islam, did not attend this meeting but was represented by MALCOLM X of New York City [BUREAU DELETION].
[BUREAU DELETION] MUHAMMAD never intended to appear in Atlanta, inasmuch as all activities were well plannedand proceeded like clockwork under the direction of MALCOLM.
[BUREAU DELETION] MALCOLM X is the Minister of New York City Temple No. 7 of the organization and was introduced by the Minister of the Atlanta Temple to deliver the main lecture of the meeting.
[BUREAU DELETION] at a meeting of the NOI held during the annual NOI Convention in Chicago, [BUREAU DELETION] Brother MALCOLM was one of the main speakers. [BUREAU DELETION] MALCOLM told those in attendance that the Muslim women should look around them and find out what the women from other temples are saying and wearing, in order that they might get ideas and find out what is going on. He also said that there has never been a man who stood up, taught his people what this man (ELIJAH MUHAMMAD) has taught in another manâs government. He told them that the prophet will not forsake them and the Almighty God ALLAH will destroy America in the near future.
[BUREAU DELETION] at a meeting of the Fruit of Islam (FOI), Temple No. 2, Chicago, Illinois, held at the Temple of Islam, 5335 South Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, [BUREAU DELETION] the subject was introduced and congratulated ISIAH, Minister of the Baltimore Temple of the NOI, for the inspiring talk he had delivered that evening.
The subject stated that there had recently been a meeting of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in New York City, which was attended by over twenty thousand persons, who listened to Mrs. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT. LITTLE stated that Mrs. ROOSEVELT told those present at the meeting that there are many more dark people in the world than white and it was time for Americans to wake up to this fact. LITTLE also declared that TALLULAH BANKHEAD also spoke at this rally on the deplorable treatment and persecution of the colored race in the South, especially in the State of Alabama.
LITTLE told the group that this government (United Statesgovernment) sends troops all over the world to protect the rights of smaller nations, but refuses to send troops into the South to protect the rights of black Americans. He stated that the only solution to the race problem in America was ELIJAH MUHAMMAD.
[BUREAU DELETION] Minister MALCOLM of New York City spoke at a meeting of the Chicago Temple of the NOI. . . .
LITTLE called upon the American Negro to form his own government in the United States and told the congregation that southern white men had murdered the Negroâs father and raped the Negroâs mother. He stated that at this time there were two steps set