Zomb-Pocalypse 2

Free Zomb-Pocalypse 2 by Megan Berry

Book: Zomb-Pocalypse 2 by Megan Berry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Berry
time, cupping his hands against the glass. “There’ll be something else—let’s keep moving,” he says as he starts walking away.
    I jog to catch up, and have to keep jogging just to keep up with his long-legged strides. Ryan would have slowed down for me, I can’t help think, and it makes me miss him even more. Ryan is the perfect balance to Silas’ prickly personality, his polar opposite.
    We reach the end of the alley and will have to cross the street if we want to continue down the next alley. It’s dangerous to go out in the open where we could be spotted by a hoard. The house across the alley has a large garage though, so our risk might pay off. We poke our heads around a tall, cedar fence and spot a group of three zombies tearing something apart.
    I look past the zombies, and something about the truck parked further up the road catches my eye. I poke Silas and point to the black truck with the red fuel tank in the back. “Is that our truck?” I ask incredulously, shock making me stand up a little straighter.
    It really can’t be this easy to get it back. I can’t help thinking, and then cuss myself out for jinxing us.
    Silas had already spotted it and nods grimly, “Yep.”
    “What are we waiting for, let’s get it back!” I say excitedly, remembering to keep my voice low at the last moment. It’s a massive breakthrough to find our own truck. The external fuel tank Ryan found had really given us an edge, not having to stop at gas stations so much cuts down on our exposure to the dead.
    “We ain’t waitin’,” Silas says as he aims his gun and quietly takes down the three zombies in our path– no fuss, no muss. He steps out into the street and jogs across the road, going to the sidewalk so that he can keep to the shadows of the fences.
    I follow, close on his heels, my heart hammering like crazy in my ear. We both freeze when we see movement through the back window.
    “They’re in there,” I mutter, and Silas nods grimly.
    “Something is.”
    “What are you going to do?” I ask, making Silas smile, though it isn’t a nice smile. It’s a ‘we’re getting even’ kind of smile.
    He doesn’t answer me as we creep along until we reach the back of the truck. I can’t believe they haven’t spotted us and made a run for it yet.
    Silas charges up to driver’s side window and points his gun at the driver. I don’t have a clear view inside the truck, but I do see the surprise on Silas’ face as he takes a giant step back.
    I cautiously move closer and see a zombified Jamie snarling and snapping at the window. I jump a little when another zombie smacks her head against the back window, trying to get to us. It’s the woman who offered to dry our clothes for us. I struggle with mixed emotions. They were living breathing people who I met yesterday, and now they are zombies. On the other hand, the assholes did steal our truck and left us stranded!
    Silas doesn’t even consult me before he yanks opens the driver’s door and jumps back. I quickly follow. Jamie, the zombie, falls out of the truck on his face. I wince when I hear his teeth hit the pavement. “You could’ve given me a little warning,” I mutter. Silas ignores my complaint, waiting in silence for the zombie to get up and start staggering towards us. He waits until he’s closed an alarming distance before shooting zombie Jamie in the head.
    I get to see why he waited so long, first hand, as gore shoots out the back of Jamie’s head. Silas shot him point blank, and it made one hell of a mess. I’m guessing he didn’t want any of the brain splatter to go back inside the truck. I stare down at the guy who’d saved our lives yesterday and feel a knot form in my stomach. His skin hasn’t had time to take on the truly rotten look that most zombies quickly develop, he must have turned recently. There is a huge bite out of his cheek and his bottom lip is torn off and completely missing. I look away, being bitten in the face would be

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