Jack County Demons

Free Jack County Demons by AK Waters, Vincent Hobbes

Book: Jack County Demons by AK Waters, Vincent Hobbes Read Free Book Online
Authors: AK Waters, Vincent Hobbes
racers were all dressed in black. They wore helmets, not for protecti on but to conceal their faces. They screamed into town, weaving in and out of alleys, rushing down side roads, and thundering up the main strip. They slowed as they neared the bar, the riders revving their throttles as they passed.
    LT was the first out the door. Behind him came Whisky and Re d. They were confused what was happening, but LT seemed to have figured it out.
    He jogged out into the lot, drawing his .45 caliber pistol in the process. S tanding in the parking lot, he watched the demon racers circle. They were like vultures. He was the prey.
    LT heard them hoot and holler. Some screamed out in ungodly voices. A few dared swoop into t he lot, pass within feet, and then dash back out onto the roadway. As each moment passed, the riders became more and more daring, as well as dangerous.
    One particular rider atop a red Harley rushed in. He came clos e, and just as the rider passed he thrust out his leg in an attempt to kick LT.
    LT stepped back, just in the nick of time.
    It worsened by the second. LT watched in awe as two riders stopped in the middle of the street, facing their motorcycles directly at him. They gunned their engines, revving them, holding their brakes. LT knew this wouldn't last long. Moments later, the two bikers rushed toward him.
    LT didn't hesitate. Instead, he jumped up and to his left landing atop a blue Ford. He stood on the back end, pulling himself up as the two motorcycles whipped past. As LT turned, the two riders were slamming to a stop, spinning their tires on the concrete, and turning their bikes around. Seconds later and they sped out of the lot.
    "I've had enough," LT said loudly. He jumped down from the Ford, and stepped into the center of the parking lot. "Come and get some!" he yelled. Then, he raised his .45, taking aim at a pair of passing riders. LT squeezed the trigger.
    Crack. Crack. Crack.
    The night came to life even more as LT discharged his pistol. He fired , carefully aiming rapid fire. Moments later, Whisky and Red were standing to his flanks. They, too, pulled out their pistols, and engaged the motorcycle riders.

C hapter 16
    The bikers tore down the street, headed out of town.
    "Let's go!" LT shouted to his men. He hopped on his bike, cranking the engine and shifting it into gear. Spinning his tires, LT took off out of the parking lot. Red and Whisky were right behind.
    They turned left, following the bikers who were only a few hundred yards ahead. LT could just barely make out their taillights. He pulled the throttle, shifting through the gears, extending them, pushing the engine hard. LT and his men gradually worked their way closer. They rounded a bend, just at the outskirts of town.
    The demon racers were right in front of them now. They took a corner at a high rate of speed. Tucking low, they struggled to maintain control, and barely made it out of the corner. LT slowed down. He knew he couldn't make a turn like that. It didn't matter, though. He'd catch them on the straightaway.
    Moments later, he and his men rounded the corner. Then, to LT's dismay, he saw the road ahead of him. It was straight and empty.
    "What the hell?" he said, letting off the throttle, allowing the bike to slow and finally come to a stop. LT put his feet to the ground. He looked left, then right. There were no off roads, no place for the bikers to have turned. And no matter how fast they were going, the road went straight for miles. There was nothing ahead.
    "LT, what's going on?" Red asked, bewildered.
    "They're gone," LT responded. "I don't know how, but they've disappeared." He shook his head. This was becoming messy, and fast. Then, a strange feeling overcame LT. He couldn't shake it. His body tingled, his hair rose up on his neck. A strange mist filled the air. It came down from above, slow and creeping at first. Then, it settled around them. The mist was dense, nearly impossible to see through. LT put his hand

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