A Perfect Match: (Raining Romance Series)

Free A Perfect Match: (Raining Romance Series) by Lynn Cooper

Book: A Perfect Match: (Raining Romance Series) by Lynn Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Cooper
    IT WAS RAINING AGAIN.  For fourteen days straight the sky had been filled with billowy, dark clouds blocking out the sun.  Rolling thunder boomed at eight-second intervals shaking the earth.  Jaslyn Scarpa’s body literally vibrated with electricity. Her eyes widened in amazement as zigzag flashes of lightning lit up the eastern horizon—a glorious display of nature’s power and fury.  The last two weeks had felt like one long Fourth of July. This morning, Jaslyn had good reason to celebrate.  Beth from Woman-Power Temp agency had just called.  A six-week assignment for an administrative assistant had come open on the New Cut Road corridor.  The job was hers for the taking. Zena Starkler, a German electronics manufacturing company and the key to her immediate financial security, was a mere ten-minute car ride away.
    Squealing her excitement, she pulled on a silky, pink shell top and loosely secured her hair at the nape of her neck with a dainty matching ribbon.  Jaslyn’s parents constantly raved over her raven hair.  Her father said her long, wavy locks were her crowning glory.  Even though she wasn’t conceited in the least, Jaslyn agreed.  Her dark, shiny tresses enhanced her porcelain skin and offset her sapphire-blue eyes.
    Seated at her dressing table, she sang with gusto while applying mascara and a touch of blush.  She couldn’t carry a tune in a paper sack, but it didn’t stop her from belting out upbeat lyrics at the top of her lungs whenever the mood hit.
    The roar of her roommate’s displeasure made her jump and drop her compact.  The compressed mineral powder peppered mauve-colored sprinkles across the cream-colored carpet.
    “For the love of God, Jaslyn! I can’t take any more of your screeching and caterwauling.”
    “Sorry, Kitsy.  I can’t help but sing when I’m happy,” she said, smiling.  She watched her best friend slump sleepily against the doorframe to her bedroom.
    Kitsy Meadows scratched her head and yawned.  “Yeah, I know.  The only problem is, you’re chronically cheerful.  Early morning, noon and night, you have a song on your lips.  Which would be okay if you could hit even one note correctly.  But you can’t, so shut it!”
    “Well, I might not be Barbra Joan Streisand, but at least I don’t go around with a constant scowl on my face.  So, take that, Miss Grumpy Pants.”
    Jaslyn and Kitsy had been besties since the third grade and roommates since high school graduation.  The saying “opposites attract” never rang truer than in the case of their friendship.  Jaslyn was sunshine and daffodils to her friend’s gloom and doom. 
    Kitsy snorted.  “The only thing you and Streisand have in common is you’re both Jewish.  So, Mazel Tov and all that.  It don’t make you a singer.”
    “One doesn’t have to be a singer in order to sing.”
    Arms spread wide, palms up, Kitsy exclaimed to an invisible crowd, “And there you have it, folks, optimism at it’s worst.”
    Ignoring the sarcasm, Jaslyn stood and slipped into a black, pencil skirt and black pumps.  Her ensemble was complete.  She twirled several times and gave her roommate a ta-da look.  “What do you think? Is this the perfect first-day-on-the-job outfit or not?”
    A reluctant grin played at the corner of Kitsy’s mouth.  “You look perfectly perky.”  Cocking her head to the side, she paused and added with a near smile, “Pretty and professional, too.”
    Jaslyn beamed.  “Look at you being all positive and complimentary.”
    “Don’t get used to it.  A fresh wave of grouchiness could roll in at any time.”
    “Understood,” Jaslyn said playfully, pinching Kitsy’s cheek.  “But I love you anyway.”
    “Yeah, yeah.  Get to work, why don’t ya?”
    “I’m headed out now.  There’s a fresh pot of coffee and homemade blueberry muffins on the counter.  See you this evening!  And, Kitsy, would it kill you to try and enjoy your

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