Saving Cassie (Fairfield Corners)

Free Saving Cassie (Fairfield Corners) by L.A. Remenicky

Book: Saving Cassie (Fairfield Corners) by L.A. Remenicky Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.A. Remenicky
my toothbrush.”
    “No, I didn’t touch it.  The
only thing I moved in there was the shower curtain to check the bathtub.”
    “Things are just getting
too weird around here, I must be losing my mind.  I swear I just closed this
five minutes ago.”  I reach up and close the cabinet door and scream. Written
on the mirror in what looks like blood is the phrase “Cassie must die!”
    “Logan!” I scream and
things go grey around the edges.  Who could want me dead?  Why is this
happening to me?”  I back up…

Chapter 17
    You thought going home
would be safe, you were wrong, Cassie.  Going home made it easier for me to
find you.  You cannot be allowed to live.  I must kill you to save myself.
    Did you see the message I
left for you, Cassie?  I left it where you can’t miss it.  Locked doors cannot
keep me away from you. I am waiting for the right time.  Until then, I am
amusing myself by moving your things.
    I am coming for you soon! 
Time is ticking away – be prepared to die.

Chapter 18
    I slowly become aware that
I am being carried.  I look up and see Logan’s face, looking very grim. Who can
blame him – I have now passed out in front of him twice.  That thought brings
back the haunting image of those three words written in red on the medicine
cabinet mirror: Cassie must die.
    I must have made a noise,
Logan looks down at me worriedly, “Hey there beautiful.  Would you please stop
doing that?  I think you took ten years off my life this time.  Seeing you
laying there with all that blood...  He stops and composes himself, swallowing
the fear.  “You’ve got a knot the size of an egg on your head and you’re going
to need some stitches.  You must have hit the bathtub when you fainted. I’m
taking you to the hospital, no arguments!”  His phone rings, “Miller here, get
Steve over to Cassie’s, there is a threat written on the bathroom mirror and he
needs to dust for fingerprints.”  A couple of seconds pass, “Yeah, she freaked
out and hit her head on the bathtub, looks like she’s going to need some
    I can hear James’ reaction,
“Dammit Reggie… she’s OK Marie.  Logan’s taking her to the hospital for
    “Tell Steve to make sure
he gets a sample of the message.  Looks to me like it’s written in Cassie’s
lipstick.  I’ll talk to you at the hospital, we’re leaving right now.  Don’t
worry, I’ll get her there in one piece…”
    Logan smiles down at me.  “How
are you feeling?  Let me know if you feel like you’re going to be sick.”
    “Not too bad other than a
killer headache,” I reply, “I can probably walk if you put me down.”
    “No way.  I like having
you helpless in my arms.”
    “Oh please, you are so
full of it.  Let me pull up my boots, it’s getting a little deep in here.  We
haven’t even had our first date and I may just change my mind about that.”
    As Logan gets to his
cruiser, James pulls up.  “Logan, get in – I’ll drive.”
    I try to lift my head to
look at James but it makes my head pound even more.  “Don’t move Cassie, you’ll
just make it worse.  They should be able to give you something for the pain
after you get checked out.  You OK to hold onto her for a while yet Logan?”
    “Sure, she doesn’t weigh
    “I can hear both of you,
my ears are working just fine.  Quit talking about me as if I’m not here…” I
mumble, sinking deeper into Logan’s arms; I haven’t felt this safe in months.  I
start to drift off.
    “Hey, stay with me Darlin’,”
Logan says, “no sleeping until the Doc says OK.”
    “Sheesh, can’t even leave
me alone when I’m hurt.  You, Mr. Deputy, are a pain in my butt!”
    “That’s better, now you
sound more like yourself…”
    We finally get to the
hospital and I am immediately taken to an exam room.  Logan waits with me while
James takes care of the paperwork.  I should be complaining about the two of
them treating me like a child

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