The Stargate Black Hole
cut and that they looked artificially cut and he
wondered who would want to do anything there, and what had they
been doing!
    He started to wonder what was there! Was
there something hidden away there? What could be there in such a
desolate place?
    Suddenly he found something buried away in
rocks that had clearly been disturbed, in an area at his side!
    Weaver increased the brightness of his
spacesuit light to see what was there better, and saw something
artificial beneath the rocks and dirt!
    He removed it and revealed a metal grid
cover, where he saw dust being blown out from, and he grabbed a
handful of dust and threw it over it and was surprised at the power
of the flow and the dust blowing up.
    He was sure it was air and that something
below was blasting vast amounts of it out and he lifted the metal
cover and found a vast tunnel going straight down deep into the
moon below, which had clearly been hollowed out with some large
powerful drill.
    He realized that he had escaped after all,
and he wondered what was below, and he knew it was too far away
from the moonbases to be part of them.
    It amazed him and intrigued him and he
wondered what had happened to him. He imagined how fast he must
entered the tunnel, escaping for his life, and he decided that he
had to check what had happened and what was there and he rushed
into it and put the metal cover over the top of it, after making
sure it was covered over.
    He climbed down a metal ladder going down
into the metal pipe tunnel and he rushed into it.
    He was sure that there was a reason for it
being there and that something was below! Surely there was
surveillance equipment somewhere below, and he realized that he was
on the moon and he doubted if they would bother. What was the use
in it?
    He swiftly aimed his light downwards and
started examine everything that he could see and when he saw
nothing but the pipe and ladder he began climbing downwards again,
as he considered what would be below there.
    Mind-bending sounds and echoes mingled
through the hollow metal tunnel going through the air, from his
movements and heavy breathing, which grew denser the lower he
climbed, and he realized how he missed sounds that were
    The air blowing by gave haunting whistles
occasionally, and he eventually realized that there was enough air
around to remove his spacesuit helmet and he removed it slowly
testing the air and seeing if the air was alright and dense enough
for him to breathe, with him ready to put the helmet back on, and
he finally with satisfaction turned off the air in his
    The air blowing up smelt strange and he could
not recognize what it was, and he wondered why they had so much air
and were blowing it out, and he wondered what could be below. The
depth had to be great as he could not even see the bottom and he
had shifted down a large distance.
    It was strange thinking of what Lucas the
scientist had been like with the deadly pursuers outside, and being
almost trapped there. Surely he had foreseen them not climbing down
after him!
    He was stunned at the dangers that he had
been through and realized that it could only happen on a place like
the moon, and he wondered what was there that they wanted him dead
    They were too deadly! They had destroyed
entire space vehicles with powerful military missiles!
    No matter how he tried to shake it off and
contemplate anything below he never formed any stable recognitions,
as he had not seen anything like it, and he continued downwards
wondering if he was finally making his first major mistake.
    He wondered if there were moonquakes! And he
stopped to examine an area where part of the metal tunnel had been
damaged by something, and he wondered if that was another reason
why they had chosen that region because there was not.
    Yet they had underground hot water available
to them, for water and air, and that meant there could be some! But
he was sure that they were not major quakes.
    Clouds of dust blew upwards

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