The Stargate Black Hole
to pieces! The surprise would have been that
it made no noise and had more velocity and impact, and he wondered
how far it could actually travel on the moon.
    He wondered what warfare in space would end
up like! Would they use lasers? He was sure bullets were far
better? For one thing lasers would only travel so far and a bullet
in space could keep going as there was nothing really to stop
    He studied Lucas’s large spacesuit shoeprints
dive across the mounds of moondust as he had tried to accelerate
away, with the low gravity muddling his perspective of movement,
and spacesuit getting in the way. The thickness of the materials
was great! Whoever was there had to be determined to kill him!
    Once again he hid behind more hills and used
different ways to use the low gravity and vast leaps to move fast
    The moonbase had to be located in one of the
most desolate places mankind had been!
    He realized the deadly environment
surrounding him again as he studied it. The deadly cold was far
lower than anything on the Earth! It made Weaver cringe, and
blindly rush on through the mind-bending landscape, still tracking
his movements, which went behind hills to avoid being seen.
    He knew that once they had found his
footprints leading there from the smashed vehicle that they would
have traced his movements in the moondust, and he saw that he had
deliberately made it harder for them to trace by rushing over rock
areas and changing his direction, and he spotted where the space
vehicle had arrived and chased after him.
    He knew he had hit an ultimate deadly
scenario and being chased by deadly assassins across a barn world
lost in space and time, with his home world in the sky lighting him
like the moon had lighted him!
    Weaver wondered why he thought he had not
been shot, and he recalled the information that they had found out
from the assassins and he was sure they had not shot him, and he
wanted to know what had happened to him! Surely he never had enough
air to make it back, and Weaver checked his own supply and knew he
could not have made it back!
    The case intrigued him and he had to find the
answer! He never had enough air and was using up more and more air,
and it was making it take longer to arrive at the moonbase by
moving in different directions. Surely they had known where he was
    Yet why could he not have hidden and died
there? Something strange had happened to him and he sensed it by
their reactions!
    He could not even imagine him having found a
way out of such a predicament! If he had remained in the vehicle he
would have ran out of air and he had put his foot in it from the
    What did he think these people wanted by
killing him? It would have been a vast mistake for him to hand
himself over to them! They surely would not have kept him as a
    In the distance he saw where a missile had
blown up and he saw how his movements had changed and where he had
accelerated himself forward, as it was all he could do to save his
    Suddenly Weaver stopped and saw his direction
strangely change and he stood trying to see why as there was
nothing there and he would have been losing time, energy, and
    He had rushed away over to his side and he
followed and he watched his prints head back and to where the other
side of a hill he had passed was, and he realized that he had
actually came up with an idea, and he grew more intrigued at what
the outcome had been of it.
    His prints vanished as he had gone over rocks
and he followed where he had to have gone and he entered a canyon
between the hill, where he must have rushed through, going over
rocks to cover his prints, and he realized that he could have found
somewhere to hide, and he wondered where he had gone as there had
been no prints there when he had been at the other side!
    Occasionally he spotted marks he had
accidentally left while rushing through the canyon, over small
rocks on the ground, and he started to examine the rocks and way
they had been

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