Seeking Shelter

Free Seeking Shelter by Angel Smits

Book: Seeking Shelter by Angel Smits Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angel Smits
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
and grime of the day, but did little to ease the intense heat. The house’s air-conditioning almost tempted him to consider sleeping inside tonight. Almost.
    But before then he had things to accomplish. He’d been in town two days, and while he’d met quite a few people, he’d yet to learn much about Amy. He hoped to chat up Hank a little more and figure out how to approach her again.
    Ever since her visit to the garage yesterday he’d been telling himself that he’d go back later and see if she was more receptive to talking to him.
    Stepping into the kitchen, he was surprised to find Rick sitting at the table with Hank. Both men looked up at him, and he wondered what they’d been talking about. “What’d I do now?” he asked, half joking. Hank glared at him. On second thought, maybe he didn’t want to know.
    “It’s not so much what you did...” Rick turned around, and while his glare wasn’t nearly as dark, it was still there. “It’s what you didn’t do.”
    “And that would be?”
    Instead of speaking, Hank tossed a packet of papers onto the countertop. “You came here with a purpose. That’s you on that will, ain’t it?” He jabbed the defenseless papers with a grubby finger.
    Jace recognized the documents, though he knew they weren’t the copies he’d stashed in his saddlebags. These were smooth and clean. “Where’d you get those?”
    He deliberately strolled over to the coffeemaker and poured himself a cup. He had to admit the old man could make great coffee. Jace waited, and let them stew, let them think about their answer.
    “Amy brought them over,” Hank said. “I’ve always taken care of her mother’s business. This was addressed to Maddie.”
    Jace refused to get caught up in the small-town nonsense, but alienating these men wouldn’t get him anywhere, either.
    He took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. He didn’t feel any obligation to them—until he turned around and faced both men.
    What he saw there surprised and pleased him. Concern. Honest to goodness concern for Amy and Katie. He had to respect that.
    “Yeah, that’s me. But that’s not why I’m here.”
    “Then why the hell did you come here?” Hank didn’t move, but Jace felt his presence from across the room.
    “To most men, I’d say that was none of their damned business.” Jace met them both glare for glare. Hank’s big hands shifted into thick fists. Jace had lost enough fights to know the pain that would follow. He also knew that, despite his tough exterior, Hank was an old man who walked with a cane. There was no question who’d win if they went at it.
    “For you two, I’ll make an exception.” Jace settled at the kitchen table before he spoke again. “Yeah, that’s me in that damned will, but I didn’t make it, so don’t blame me.”
    “Says here you got money and a key. What for?”
    “Yeah. I got that.” Jace knew what the will said, knew what was in that safe deposit box, and that part he wasn’t telling anyone. Except Amy when the time was right.
    The room grew too quiet. Rick gave in first. “Oh, for heaven’s sake. Just tell us what you’re up to and put us out of our misery, why don’t you?”
    Jace smiled, though it was forced. “And I owe you an explanation why?” He glared at Rick. He liked the mechanic, but was still reserving judgment about Hank.
    “Don’t get smart,” the older man growled, and he took a step forward. Rick’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.
    “Because Amy’s my friend. She’s had enough trouble in her life. She doesn’t need any more.”
    Jace waited to see if they said anything else. They didn’t, but they didn’t back down from his stare, either. They both sized up as honorable men, though.
    “Look, I was a seventeen-year-old runaway when Mackenzie Grey befriended me,” he finally admitted. “He saved my life. Now he’s gone, and the only thing he wanted was to find his daughter. I found her for him. All I’m here to do is get to

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