damp clasp that held it. He grabbed Stef’s flanks with both hands while the thick crown of his cock stretched Stefan’s taut sphincter. Felt the throb of blood, whether his pulse or Stefan’s he couldn’t tell, but it pulsed in time with his breathing, with Stefan’s deep breaths, with the thundering rhythm of both their hearts.
    He held there for one heartbeat after the next. Until his body trembled. Until Stefan’s legs quivered and his skin rippled beneath Anton’s palms.
    Then he tilted his hips forward and drove deep.
    Stef groaned. The sharply defined muscles across his belly rippled. He tilted his head back and arched into Anton’s powerful thrust. Again Anton speared him hard and deep, and again, harder and faster, until the forest seemed to spin around them and Anton’s heart raced to keep up with the demands of his muscles, with the growing coil of desire spiraling from his spine to his belly to his balls.
    He wrapped his fingers around Stef’s cock, clasping tightly, stroking him in time with his powerful thrusts. Creamy trails of pre-cum covered the back of his hand, spread over his fingers and filled the early morning meadow with the rich scent of sex and arousal.
    With his left hand, Anton palmed Stef’s heavy sac, holding Stefan’s testicles down against the length of his own cock as he thrust in and out of that hot, wet channel. Anton opened his thoughts again and linked with Stefan in time to feel the tight clenching of muscles at Stef’s spine, the hot rush of semen from balls to cock to freedom.
    Stefan cried out. His body went rigid, his cock jerked in Anton’s grasp as his climax exploded, splashing both of them with thick streams of ejaculate. The sight of the creamy fluid erupting from Stefan’s cock, the rich scent and the hot flow as it covered his hand and spilled between his fingers took Anton over the edge.
    He hammered hard and deep, emptying his balls in a series of hard, fast jerks, of clenching muscles and mind-blowing images. His mind linked tightly to Stefan’s and threw the emotions and physical sensations of two orgasms shared into a loop, so that each man felt what the other experienced, each of them knew the love and the need and the overwhelming sense of family that held them forever linked, forever bonded as packmates.
    As lovers.
    Over and over and over again. Climax shared. Need shared. And love. Always that deep abiding love.
    As the involuntary pulsing of his orgasm slowed, Anton leaned forward, supporting himself over Stefan’s chest, but Stef wrapped his arms around Anton and pulled him close. Still tightly locked within his lover’s body, Anton hugged him close, kissed the beard-roughened cheek, and sighed with the sense of completion that always followed lovemaking with this man.
    It was good. So damned good, but the sun was rising and the day moving forward, and so must they. It took Anton a moment before he had the energy to separate from Stef, but finally he slipped his softening penis free and practically crawled the few short steps to the woodland pool and the gently falling water.
    Stefan was right behind him. Together, laughing like a couple of kids, they tumbled into the cold water and played like children while the sun rose over the forest.


    Book I: DemonFire


Chapter 1
    Sunday Night
    He struggled out of the darkness, confused, disoriented . . . recalling fire and pain and the soothing voices of men he couldn’t see. Voices promising everlasting life, a chance to move beyond hell, beyond all he’d ever known. He remembered his final, fateful decision to take a chance, to search for something else.
    For life beyond the hell that was Abyss.
    A search that brought him full circle, back to a world of pain—to this world, wherever it might be. He frowned and tried to focus. This body was unfamiliar, the skin unprotected by scales or bone. He’d never been so helpless, so vulnerable.
    His chest burned. The

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