
Free Unknown by Shante Harris

Book: Unknown by Shante Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shante Harris
    “Okay, we can make it a pair of screwdrivers. That’s nothing but a little vodka with orange juice so at least its still breakfast like, Chino.”
    “Vodka at 10am in the morning? It’s college all over again.”
    “Hey Mr. Man if you can’t hang then—“
    “Hey if you can hang, I’m down.”
    “Well alright then let’s go sugar.”
    We laughed as we departed to our separate locker rooms to retrieve our belongings. I saw a tall lanky figure jog across the gym towards me and automatically knew who it was. Mario could not wait to get me alone so he could drill me on what we talked about. He raced to the back following up behind me. I shook my head letting him know that we just caught up on old times. Nothing sexual was even uttered. Not that it wasn’t secretly being thought about, at least on my end.
    Mario was a single bastard, living life on the edge. He cruised the clubs at night just to tell single, horny females he was a big shot lawyer so they’d sleep with him. None of them ever saw his place or knew where he lived. He would always suggest going back to their place. It kept down confusion and if one of them ever got clingy, they had no way of contacting him. It made me wonder if he was ever going to find a wife. So he always automatically assumed someone was supposed to fuck a chick in the first thirty seconds of speaking to her. But, this was not Saturday night at some rinky-dink ass club and Ashley was not simply any chick.
    “Bro, if you hit that shit and don’t give me the play by play, I swear our friendship ends here.” Mario slapped my shoulder.
    “Dude, what are you sixteen?”
    “No…seventeen.” He stared blankly into my face. “Chino, just don’t forget to call me and tell me what happened. Hell, you owe me that much since I’m the one who set you two up.”
    “I will man. But, don’t expect any hot hardcore steamy sex ’cause I told you how I felt about that.”
    “Yeah, you told me. But, what you need to do is take that chick to a hotel room and get your dick wet for like, um, twelve hours. Then call me and let me know you hit that. I’ll even help you pack that devil girl’s shit and move it out of your house so your true girl can move in.”
    “Dude! Aren’t we moving just a little bit too fast here?”
    “Never too fast when it comes to the dick, bro. Now go get her.” He patted me on the back as I confusingly walked out the door. "Go get your dick painted with Ashley's saliva, bro."
    “Something is seriously wrong with you, Mario.” I couldn't do shit but laugh.

Chapter 7

    Because of my insurance, the doctor told me she could squeeze me in whenever I decided to come and talk to her. Thank God for Blue Cross Blue Shield. She said that my situation proved critical and she needed to see me right away. Said the sooner we began working the better. Her busy season was about to start and I would have had to wait weeks or months just to get a spot. I told her I would come in today. The doctor made it seem like it was a life or death situation, once I finished the description of my tribulations.
    She wouldn’t even allow me to spill the whole “I’m feeling sorry for myself” routine. She was adamant that she could help me fix my marriage with no problems and have us back in love within weeks. Weeks. It seemed too good to be true as does all things that sound like quick fix scams. Nevertheless, I hung up from her quickly. Thumbing over her website again, I jotted down her address on a yellow Post-It and stuck it on my black Gucci tote. Without even thinking about showering from the previous night’s activities, I grabbed my purse to head for her office.
    “Don’t hello me like you don’t know who this is girl. Where you at?”
    “Brian, I can’t talk right now. I’ve got some things that I need to do today. I can’t see you.” Panic began to set into my soul.
    “Huh? You telling me

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