Dark Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 6)
antibiotics. She was staying right where she was, where he could keep an eye on her.
    “You’re staying here,” he ground out.
    “Because I ain’t walking up and down those goddamn stairs every hour to check on you,” he said. “Fucking waste of my time. I’m gonna lock you in here until it’s time to shoot you up with drugs again, and change your bandage.” He glanced over at the fireplace. “And I’ll be taking the pokers and the matches with me when I go. I guess it goes without saying that I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you, huh?”
    God, what an asshole . Worse, he was an asshole with a serious case of split-personality disorder, and he was giving her whiplash. One minute, he was the kindest man that she’d ever met, so genuinely caring and gentle – and the next he was sarcastic and cold, and just so damn hurtful , his words slashing at her like knives. Her anger at his hot-and-cold routine rose so fast, it took them both by surprise. Livid, Shay sat up straighter, and the intensity of her glare just about knocked him backwards.
    “Oh, right,” she spat at him. “ You don’t trust me ? Last time I checked, I wasn’tthe one holding you against your will in some cabin in the middle of goddamn-nowhere. I’m not the one carrying the fucking gun, and I’m sure as hell not the one calling the shots here. You and your dickhead MC buddies kidnapped me, and I had exactly zero say in any of it. You all just decided one day to stop my entire life because you think that by having me, you have my brother by the balls. You’ll keep me alive until you get what you want from him, and if he doesn’t give it to you, then I’m as disposable as a kleenex, right?” Shay drew a deep breath, her heart pounding with rage. “When your Prez asks, are you gonna be the one to end me, Warren ? You gonna be the one to put a bullet in my brain and bury me out behind this place? Hell, you boys probably have a whole pile of bodies out there, huh?” She huffed out a laugh. “And you don’t trust me ? Because I got one up on you, and did the only logical thing in my situation, and tried to save myself? Fuck you.”
    Startled at this outburst, Warren narrowed his eyes at her, slid right on in to dickhead mode. “You about done bitching at me?”
    “You can always gag me again if you don’t like what I have to say,” she shot back.
    “ Gag you?”
    He advanced on her now, so slow and menacing. Shay fought to not draw back, and managed it. She held her ground – well, such as it was when she was on her half-naked ass in a bed – and just turned up the wattage on her glare.
    Fuck this guy. Seriously.
    He stopped right in front of her, and she had to tip her head back to hold his eyes.
    “ Gag you?” he repeated softly. “You think that’s the worst I can do to you, darlin’?”
    She tensed, suddenly all-too-aware of just how vulnerable she was. God, she doubted she could walk across this room, let alone defend herself in a fight and then tackle the mountain again.
    “ Answer me,” he said, that tone of absolute command back in his rough voice. “You really think that’s the worst I can do? Don’t be fooled by the nice-guy act I’ve been playing out of necessity, girl. Don’t you know who you’re dealing with here? Don’t you know what I am?”
    Yeah, she knew who she was dealing with, and she knew damn good and well what he was, but she was too angry to be careful now. Her mind made up, Shay held his eyes. She wasn’t backing down. It’d be like surrendering – and she was never again going to surrender to an MC thug. That’d be like dying, in all the ways that deeply, truly mattered to her.
    “So do your worst,” she hissed. “I fucking dare you.”
    Warren kept his face blank, but he was beyond shocked at what the hell was going on here. One minute, they were connected, talking and laughing, even mildly flirting… and the next, they were at each other’s throats.
    Well, it was

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