A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5)

Free A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5) by Charlene Hartnady

Book: A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5) by Charlene Hartnady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlene Hartnady
I would really like now is to feel the inside of that lovely, tight as fuck pussy…”
    She gasped.
    “…with my dick this time.” He leaned over and whispered the words, his shoulder brushing against hers.
    She stopped dead. Her mouth gaped. She made a squeaking noise. Her face was flushed and her heart raced. “You are the rudest, most conceited asshole I have ever met. If I ever so much as see you again it will be too soon. Go away.” She picked up the pace, double time, trying to lose him. As fucking if.
    “I think that the reason you are so angry right now is because you would like nothing better than to come all over the dick of the most conceited asshole you have ever met.” He gripped her elbow and twisted her around to face him. Her chest was heaving, her cheeks were so damned flushed. Her scent was everywhere. The scent of her need filled him. His dick responded big fucking time.
    He half expected her to try and kiss him. Lance couldn’t fucking wait for her lips to collide with his. He couldn’t. Quicker than he thought possible, especially for a human, her hand lashed out and smacked him across the face. So hard that there was a ringing noise in his ears. His cheek stung and his eyes watered.
    “Fuck you,” she snarled.
    “I wish you would.” He couldn’t help but to grin. “You know you want to.”
    Her eyes widened. “No…I…no…” She spun and walked away. They were approaching the accommodation from the back end. There were changing facilities that ran along the wall behind the pool. He gripped her hand and pulled her into one of the stalls.
    She lunged for the door but he shut it and put his back to it, invariably trapping her. “What do you think you are—”
    Lance crushed his lips against hers. He couldn’t remember the last time he had kissed a female. Fucking forever ago. They begged him, they pleaded but he refused. He pulled her body up against his. God but she was soft. One hand circled her neck and the other grabbed a handful of ass.
    He felt a sharp pain and his dick practically jumped out of his pants. When Amber pulled away, there was blood on her lip. His blood. He swiped a hand across his mouth, and looked down at the red smear.
    “Pig,” she hissed.
    Lance pulled his shirt over his head.
    Her gaze turned heated as it took in his chest. The little human squeezed her thighs together. “Stop that. We’re not having sex.”
    He shook his head. “No, we’re not…”
    Her expression turned to disappointment. She may not want to admit it but she wanted him in the worst way.
    “We’re not going to have sex, we’re going to fuck.” He smiled, and not a nice one. “Take off your pants.”
    “No.” She shook her head. Her arousal was so thick inside the confined space that he had to breathe through his mouth to keep himself from lunging at her.
    “I cannot fucking wait to be inside you. Three and a half years is a long time. Too fucking long. You need this and I want to give it to you. It won’t be charity or any other reason besides my wanting you.”
    “Why?” Her breathing hitched and her heart rate increased.
    Why indeed? His thought moved to several reasons which he outright dismissed.
    Maybe he actually liked her or found her pretty. Maybe he wasn’t as big of an asshole as she had thought. Maybe there was more to him after all. She shouldn’t be entertaining this but she really wanted to know.
    His eyes were lighter than she’d ever seen them. They seemed to glow. His chest was so broad. She wanted to lick his pecs. To trace the lines of his abs. Each and every one. She wanted to squeeze his biceps, to grab his meaty ass as he pounded into her.
    Lance’s nostrils flared. “Why do I want you? Simple, I’ve never felt a pussy as tight as yours. You’re going to feel good wrapped around me.”
    What a complete jerk. This had nothing to do with liking her. It had everything to do with how it would make him feel. Why wasn’t she surprised?

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