Blood Purple

Free Blood Purple by Ashley Nemer

Book: Blood Purple by Ashley Nemer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Nemer
Tags: Vampires
Without warning Afaf’s skirt caught fire. She quickly moved to put it out, while still laughing at her hafeeda.
    “Well, leave it to you, little stubborn Princess, to make fire so young. Now you must not ever burn your siti’s skirt. Especially her favorite one.”
    Nikole laughed, clapping her hands. “See, Siti, I made FIRE!”
    Hearing the commotion, Ikram and Tamman came in the room and gasped at the sight, the Queen Omm’s slightly burnt clothes, their bent laughing and clapping, and the servants hiding.
    “Omm! What did she do to you?” Ikram said, walking over and picking up Nikole.
    “Well, she wanted to learn how to make fire, so we made fire. Didn’t we my little Princess?”
    “FIRE!” Nikole called out, and one of the servant’s shirts burst into flames. Nikole laughed and clapped. “Abb, FIRE!” Tamman’s body froze as nothing happened. Looking around, everyone was relieved he didn’t combust. Tamman came and picked up his baby girl. “No more fire, Princess, not till you’re older.” They all look around at each other, laughing.
    “You know she has strong abilities. Five is very young to start controlling elements. We will have to train her, make sure she knows right from wrong, and make sure she doesn’t burn down the home,” Tamman said, laughing with a bit of pride in his voice.
    “I’ll take care of her lessons. As the only one with the fire ability left around who knows how to harness the power, it’s my job,” Afaf declared.
    Ikram ran her hand over Nikole’s arm. “Nikole, make sure you don’t set anyone on fire, okay?”
    Nikole looked at her omm and smiled. “Yes Mama, no siti on fire I know.” The adults all laughed. “Yes, because siti is the most important of all!” Afaf chimed in.
    The man watched her body. She hadn’t moved in hours. If her chest wasn’t rising up and down, he would think she had died. He pulled the covers back and checked the wounds. Everything seemed to be healing. Tucking her back in, he noticed something he hadn’t seen before. Leaning down, he realized her cheeks were wet. She was crying. He stepped back away from her body and moved to sit in the chair next to the bed. He wondered if she was in pain or if she was just crying.

    T hey sat at the table in silence, looking at each other, no one moving very much. Zayn looked at Nasir from across the table. Both were pale in complexion; both looked like they were about to snap. “No one has brought back any intel on her? Nothing at all?”
    Nasir shook his head slowly. “It’s like she vanished out of the facility. We didn’t see any blood trails, nothing. If she walked out of there then there should have been some tracks leaving the facility.”
    Adara slowly ate her peas, trying to decide if she should speak. “Have you thought of maybe a tracker? Maybe someone who’s had her blood recently can locate her?” Both men looked at her in shock.
    “Why didn’t we think of that before?” Zayn said as he put his fork down and looked at Adara. “Do you know who has fed from her?”
    Adara slowly nodded at the two men. “Her and Kevin, they kind of have been, well… known. If anyone has, it’s him.”
    “The bar owner? Seriously, my okht has been with him?!?”
    “Yeah, I know. He’s her usual when she isn’t in the mood to hunt. Want me to go ask him?” Adara offered.
    “No, I will be going there myself. You can come if you would like, but I want to see his face when I ask him and inform him she is missing. We are going right now.” Zayn pushed away from the table, grabbing Adara’s hand and pulling her with him. “Nasir, we will be back. Standby for further instructions.”
    Zayn and Adara made their way to his car. Quickly, they pulled out of the driveway and drove to Kevin’s club, Impact. “How long have they been, well, using each other?”
    “I’m not sure; I know it has been for a while. I was the one who

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