The Devil's Angel (Devil Series Book 2)

Free The Devil's Angel (Devil Series Book 2) by Rachel McClellan

Book: The Devil's Angel (Devil Series Book 2) by Rachel McClellan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel McClellan
Seattle. The sun wasn’t up yet and wouldn’t be for another two hours. He twisted his fingers tightly around the steering wheel and pressed on the accelerator even more.
    Normally his mind was clear, but he couldn’t put a coherent thought together to save his life. He needed advice, and there was only one person he trusted to give it.
    Scott Peterson’s three-story colonial-style home didn’t fit in with the other affluent homes in the ritzy Laurelhurst neighborhood. It was white with tall pillars in front; on the second balcony hung a long, scooped American banner flag. This was another reason why he liked Scott—he didn’t care what others thought of him.
    Lucien was about to knock on the front door but stopped when he realized the early hour. He removed his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Scott’s number. From somewhere within the house, a phone rang.
    A groggy Scott answered. “Yes?”
    “I need to talk to you.”
    “Go ahead.”
    “No, in person.”
    “Yes. I’m standing outside your front door.” Something crashed to the floor.
    “I’ll be right down.”
    It was only a short moment before Scott opened the door. He greeted Lucien in blue striped pajamas, hair that had been hastily smoothed back, and thick glasses. He pushed them further up his nose and said, “This is a surprise. Come in.”
    Scott led Lucien to a study and turned on a fire. It sputtered and spit until its flames entirely filled a wide stone hearth.
    “Would you like some tea?” Scott offered.
    Scott touched his head as if remembering. “Right. I forgot. What brings you here this late hour?”
    “I need some advice.”
    Scott lowered himself into a chair near the fire. “Does this have anything to do with your questions about the Deific?”
    “Yes, specifically the woman, Eve Andrews. There’s something different about her.”
    “You think
    Lucien placed his hands upon the marble mantle and stared down into the fire. “I know that sounds crazy, but there’s something wrong with her.”
    “Why do you care?”
    Lucien flexed his jaw, and shook his head slowly. He lowered his arms and turned around. “That’s what I’ve been asking myself. I can’t get her out of my head. She’s all I think about!”
    Scott eyed him thoughtfully. “You’re in love.”
    “That’s impossible.”
    “I’m incapable of love. Besides I don’t even know who she is.”
    “I was in love with my wife the moment I laid eyes on her. It was if my soul recognized hers.”
    “Seeing as how I don’t have a soul, that’s not a consideration.”
    “How do you know you don’t?”
    Lucien frowned. “Must I remind you?”
    “If you don’t have a soul, why are you good?”
    Lucien visibly jerked. “I’m not good.”
    “Well, you’re not bad. I’ve put bad men behind bars for over thirty years. I know evil when I see it.”
    Lucien moved to the window.
    “Have you spoken to the woman? Asked her what she wants?” Scott asked.
    “She begged me to stay tonight. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t stand to be near her.”
    “She was too
He glanced back at him. “Does that make sense?”
    “No. Why are you making this so complicated?”
    “I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore. Up until a year ago, my life was predictable.”
    “What happened a year ago?”
    He shook his head, trying to think how best to explain what had happened. “A light came into my life, something I couldn’t see or touch, but I could feel it as sure as I can feel the heat from these flames. And it’s been growing.”
    Scott tilted his head. “It sounds like hope.”
    “But I don’t hope. There is no hope for someone like me.”
    “Apparently there is. Seize it, Lucien. Take hold and never let it go.”
    “How do you know these things?”
    “It’s called living. You should try it sometime.” Scott smiled warmly. “Go to her. If she begged a vampire to stay with

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