Madness or Purpose

Free Madness or Purpose by Megan Perry

Book: Madness or Purpose by Megan Perry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Perry
other down the three flights of stairs to the lobby laughing the entire way. I miss this sense of pure bliss. Moments like these remind me why he and I are best friends and I guess now fated lovers with some type of epic journey and greater purpose. I’ll be sure to bring that up after I get some food and caffeine in my body. I am alone in my mind for now. Unless I touch him, I guess. I know he is wondering what I’m thinking about because whether or not he is in contact with me I seem to be able to hear him. “Could you please put up some sort of walls, your brain is going to give me a headache!” I groan at him. Gavin stops and spins around to face me cocking an eyebrow. “You can still hear me?”
    He questions. “Yes, I guess at some level I have always picked up on some thoughts, when you were really concentrating, but after last night and this morning I can’t get you out.” I answer rubbing my temples and clamping my eyes closed. We are now at the truck so I climb in and close the door. Gavin is still standing outside the truck staring at me with a weird look on his face.
    It’s a mixture of surprise, confusion, and concentration. He is trying to put up barriers and ease my throbbing head.

    A few moments later he joins me in the truck and to my relief I hear nothing. I sigh and lay my head back against the seat. Gavin turns the key and the truck roars to life. He presses a few buttons and the heat kicks on along with the radio. As we drive he drums his fingers on the wheel as always and sings along. I close my eyes and listen as I always do, something about his presence sooths all my worries for now. He is my family. I really have never felt close to anyone, except Gavin.
    Maybe all of this is the sharing of one soul, maybe it’s a girl falling in love? I don’t want to really think about anything but the baritone of his voice. I don’t realize that we have stopped or that he has turned the truck off until I feel his warm breath on my cheek right before he kisses me. My eyes shoot open at the shock I feel run through my body and the “boo!” I hear in my head. “Snot,” I yell at him. “We’re here ZZ. Get your butt out. I’m starving.”
    Gavin whispers in my ear.


Guardians Good or Evil
    Gavin drags me through the door of our favorite diner because my legs just aren’t fast enough for his growling stomach. The diner is just your average place to grab a bite 24 seven in New York. As we sit down I hear my stomach growl and Gavin snicker. Our waitress saunters over to our booth swinging her hips and batting her eyes. I can feel my eyes flashing and I have to fight to hide it. She positions herself right in front of Gavin so I get to stare at her ass which her altered waitress skirt barely covers. “Good morning, my name is Carrie. What can I get for you today sugar?” She purrs while batting her obviously fake lashes and being sure to lean down just enough to expose her fake cleavage. In turn I get a glimpse of her barely there thong and ass cheeks! Gavin has one eye on me and one on the bimbo in front of him. I reach out and flick her in the ass she has so generously shoved in my face. This chick has got to go! She yips and spins around. Gavin starts shaking his head at me and his eyes are bugging out of his head. He touches my leg with his. “Don’t be stupid ZZ!” He scolds me mentally.
    Bimbo Carrie flips me off as she takes in my face. She gulps and backs away slowly. “Excuse me whore, but could you please stop drooling all over my man and send over a new waitress? Or do I need to make you?” I hiss at her. “S-s-sorry misses. I um...I’ll send someone over.” The waitress mumbles and keeps backing away. She trips over a chair and mumbles something under her breath. I can feel the heat burning in my face and my eyes feel like they are on fire. The bimbo waitress stumbles into another girl carrying a tray full of milk shakes and is covered from head to toe. A grin spreads

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