He Who Dares: Book Two (The Gray Chronicals 2)

Free He Who Dares: Book Two (The Gray Chronicals 2) by Rob Buckman

Book: He Who Dares: Book Two (The Gray Chronicals 2) by Rob Buckman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Buckman
probably hid a defense point with automatic weapon emplacements.  The guards marching back and forth in their assigned positions were for show only, and in a few seconds could vanish below ground to their fighting positions.  When it came to defending the Royal family, wherever you saw was for show and few, if any saw the layered defense screen that had the capability to stop an army.  It spoke volumes to how much the Royal family was taking the threat of war.
    Mike only knew a fraction of the measures to defend this place, and others the Royal family might use, and, as a Naval Officer, he was only privy to part of it.  The gate guard checked his credentials, and the bag, then saluted and stepped back so he could enter the waiting shuttle car.  Palace security cameras followed the cars' movements until it halted beside the rear door of the Palace and the young man exited, presenting himself for the second security check.  Again, the Superintendent checked his credential, and the invitation, and did a retinal scan before he opened the security door.  The valise vanished down a chute, en-route to a complete scan for weapon, explosives, and biological agents before going on to his room.
    “Good evening, Leftenant Gray, you may proceed.”  His smile was genuine.  His sharp eye missed nothing, including the fatigued look on Mike’s face.
    “Thank you, sir.”  No sooner had he walked inside when Taffy came running up.
    “The jungle telegraph said you’d arrived, and thought I come down to meet you.”  He grinned.  “How on Earth have you been?”
    “Busy, Taffy, news travels fast.”
    “Yes, the telegraph is good, God you look beat.”
    “It's been a busy time.”
    “Any problems?”  He looked concerned.
    “Yes, a lot, but nothing I can’t handle.”
    “I’m sure, but a little help from people in the know might smooth the way over the rough spots.  Anything I can do at this end?”
    “That’s great, but I’m not sure what you can do, but I was hoping you’d say that.”
    “Can’t chat now, the party is waiting, but later, or after breakfast tomorrow morning.”
    “Great.”  With a wave, Taffy pounded off, and Mike shook his head, wishing he had that much energy then followed the page up to his room.
    The party, as it turned out, was much more informal than he’d anticipated, consisting mainly of family members and close friends of the Royal family.  In a way, Mike felt a little out of place at first, wondering a little why he’d been invited, except for Ann of course.  Between the gang, and the Royal family itself, they soon made him feel at home.  The Lady Ann kept her distance, but smiled when he caught her eye, and one time blew him a kiss, taking care no one saw.  This was more of a pre-Christmas bash rather than the more intimate party tomorrow.  At midnight, they gathered round the tree and sang traditional Christmas carols and it brought back memories of other Christmases at home, and his Grandfather and Avalon.  They would be doing much the same soon, but Christmas there wasn’t for another two months, based on Avalon’s calendar.  After that, and a few eggnogs, they played traditional games before the King, who’d appointed himself Santa, began handing presents.  Much to his embarrassment, he received several himself, but he’d hadn’t brought anything, or so he thought.  He received ‘Thank you’ from several people, including the King, the Princess, and the gang.  A quick look at the Princess confirmed his suspicions that she was the author of the presents.  She smiled innocently back at him, flirting with him with her eyes.  The games went on until 2:30 am before the King called a halt.
    “Have to make my traditional Christmas address to the Nation in the morning, so I do need to get a little sleep,” he smiled, “but do carry on and enjoy yourselves.”
    With that, he waved to everyone and

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